Do English Bulldogs Bark A Lot?

My family wanted to get an English bulldog as a pet.  We had just moved into a new apartment and were concerned with the possibility that they would make a lot of noise.  We couldn’t have a dog that was too big, but we also needed a dog that wasn’t very noisy.  The English bulldog seemed like an easy-going dog with a cute face, but we needed to know more.

We did some digging around, and a lot of reading, and here is what we discovered.

Do English bulldogs bark a lot?

Do English bulldogs bark a lot?  No. English bulldogs do not bark a lot.  With an adorable face that is always looking for love and affection, they make plenty of other noises that are amusing. 

These other noises may or may not affection neighbors but should be considered by potential owners since some people find them irritating.  If having a dog that makes noises that are as unique as the breed itself appeals to an individual or family then this breed is right for them!

The English bulldog doesn’t bark a lot, which is what most neighbors don’t want to hear when close by.  This combined with their size can be perfect for those that live in apartments.  This doesn’t mean that they don’t bark at all, because they do, just not very often.

The English bulldog will bark when they find it necessary, such as when someone comes to the door, or is there is some sort of interruption or disturbance to their peaceful life.  This barking can be thought of as letting the owner or family know that something is going on and needs to be fixed.

Their bark can be as intimidating as the breed itself.   When compared with other dogs of their size their bark can be deep and intense.  The kind of bark that requires attention, which can be surprising due to their size.

With a calm and relaxed nature, this breed is very independent, which can attribute to their lack of barking.  They only bark when there is a reason to, with their thought process likely being, why get my hair all in a bunch or bother my family that I love so much unless I need to.

This doesn’t mean that the English bulldog is quiet, not by a long shot.   They make an assortment of other noises that some owners may find as adorably cute as the dog itself, while others find them annoying and bothersome.

Why do English bulldogs bark?

The English bulldog, like other dog breeds, will bark as a means of communication, similar to when humans talk.

If they have a need or a want, they will use barking or other select noises to communicate this.  They will sometimes combine it with body language, such as pacing, sitting, running around the house, or nudging their owner.

They also bark or make noises to communicate when something is happening, whether it is inside their home environment or outside of it.  This communication might be done to let their owner or family know they need to investigate something.

Barking and other sounds sometimes happen when the English bulldog wants to express emotions.  Emotions can be very hard for humans to express; dogs are not different in that regard. 

They may be fearful or excited, sometimes they may be depressed or lonely.  This barking or other noise is their only means of expressing how they feel.

If the English bulldog doesn’t bark a lot, what other noises do they make?

The English bulldog will make a variety of noises that are as unique as the breed itself.  These can include snorting, sniffling, whining, crying, wheezing, snorting, grunting, and whimpering.  Some of these noises may come as a surprise to their owner or family since they don’t seem like the type of dog that will make a noise like that.

Many of these noises come out the way they do because of their special facial features. 

These facial features can turn ordinary dog sounds into amusing musicals for their owner or family to enjoy.  This can make the English bulldog come across as a comedian.

Can the English bulldogs barking, or other noises be reduced?

Yes, the English bulldogs barking, or other noises can be reduced if they become excessive.

The best way to do this is to ensure that they are trained from as early on in life as possible.  Training teaches the English bulldog to bark or makes other noises only when necessary.

It must be noted that the English bulldog is a hard breed to train since they have such a strong-willed and independent nature.  While the English bulldog isn’t likely to bark a lot if they do need to be trained the owner should be prepared with a multitude of resources to getting it done.

The English bulldog does respond well to the reward of treats when training for excessive barking or other negative habits, but this should be used with caution. 

They like treats a bit too much and while the reward may be enticing for the owner to get the job done it may backfire on them.

Before beginning a training program for an English bulldog, it is best to consult their veterinarian first to ensure that the barking isn’t caused by something else.  English bulldogs don’t usually bark a lot.

What is the best way to learn and understand what the English bulldog is trying to say when they bark?

The best way to learn and understand what the English bulldog is trying to say when the bark is to pay attention to what is going on with them and around them.

This can include their body language, how often they are barking or how loudly.  If they bark only once or twice, it isn’t something that is of high importance.  If they bark or make other noises non-stop then the issue is urgent and needs their owner’s immediate attention.

Body language can be just as important as the barking or noises themselves.  Should they be standing by the door when they bark then they may have to use the bathroom or are curious about something outside.

Understanding what an English bulldog is trying to communicate takes patience, time, and dedication.  This usually happens throughout the first few weeks or months of having a new dog.  

As the owner or family gets to know the dog and the dog gets accustomed to their home environment and family, the doorway to communication is opened and fosters closeness.

This doesn’t mean that every time your English bulldog decides to bark or make a noise that their owner needs to stop what they are doing and pay complete attention to them. 

It does mean that their owner should be aware of the English bulldog and what is happening if they want to learn their dog’s communication style.

Can health problems contribute to English bulldog barking habits?

Yes.  Health problems can contribute to how often English bulldog bark or doesn’t bark.  This is true for every breed of dog.

They aren’t likely to draw up a sign that reads, my belly hurts or I have a splinter in my foot, so barking, sounds, and body language are the way they communicate health issues to their owner.  Sometimes they don’t even know they are doing so.

Since barking is an English bulldog’s main form of communication, it is one of their only ways to let their owner or family know when something isn’t okay with them.  This can be emotionally or physically and sometimes is combined with other noises and body language.

If an English bulldog is barking and scratching or licking excessively or if they are showing other physical habits along with barking it is best to take a moment and try to address what might be the problem.

Changes in behaviors or habits along with the English bulldogs barking can also signal a health problem.  For instance, peeing on the carpet every morning when they normally would do so outside can signal a health issue.

This doesn’t mean that the issue is severe, but it does mean that the English bulldog is trying to communicate to their owner or family that something is not right with them physically or emotionally.

Consulting their veterinarian is the best way to address issues of this sort.  They can explain what might be going on with an English bulldog that suddenly starts barking a lot or shows other physical changes.

In Conclusion

The English bulldog doesn’t bark a lot, but they do make a variety of other noises for their owner or family to enjoy. 

These noises may range from endearing to annoying on any given day and are simply a part of this unique breeds style of communication.

The English bulldog makes a great pet in every situation, because of their low-key barking and assorted other noises they make it is impossible to prevent falling in love with them!