Bulldogs: How Often Can An English Bulldog Eat?
My husband and I recently fostered an English bulldog. We are trying to learn everything we can about this breed and want to know how often can an English bulldog eats food? We are hoping to break up his eating into a few meals a day to coincide with our meals this way we don’t spend extra time in the kitchen.
I did a little research and dug up some information you might like to read.
How often can an English bulldog eat?
An English bulldog can eat a few meals per day. This amount depends on their age. Puppies have different food requirements since they are growing, while older dogs don’t need as much food or to eat as often because they are fully grown.
Many factors play into the diet of any dog breed. Determining what kind of food to feed a dog, when to feed it and how much can at times seem like a science experiment when a pet owner is trying to keep their dog healthy and growing strong if they are a puppy.
This situation is never truer than when caring for an English bulldog. English bulldogs are a breed of dogs that are known for having health issues throughout their bodies.
These issues can be mild or severe and depend on the dog. English bulldogs are known for having sensitive digestive systems that can rebel against food. That can make it hard for some English bulldog owners to care for them.
It is always best to consult a veterinarian when determining a diet regimen for any dog regardless of breed. If they are a puppy, this is especially important for their growth and future health.
For older dogs that may already have an established diet regimen that a pet owner is looking to modify, it is also best to consult their veterinarian first.
English bulldog puppies will have different dietary requirements, and they should be fed more often. Three times a day is optimum to ensure that they are getting the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.
Until they are around four months old, they should receive a diet of food given three times a day. After that, their food diet can be decreased to feeding twice per day unless otherwise instructed by their veterinarian.
Adult or older dogs don’t need to eat as much or as often since they are beyond the years of growth or development.
How many cups of food should I feed my English bulldog?
An English bulldog should be fed anywhere between a half cup and approximately two cups per day. This amount of food is determined based upon their age and health.
There are likely times when an English bulldog owner finds themselves asking the question, how much food should an English bulldog eat a day?
Puppies will need more food as they grow and develop physically, mentally, and emotionally. With each new stage of growth, you will see an increase in the amount of food they eat in a day.
Healthy adult dogs will need less food, and their diet can be more consistent since they have left the growing years.

Older dogs or seniors will still have a consistent and stable diet, but their intake may vary from day to day due to health issues and how they are feeling.
For dogs of any age that have health problems, their diet can vary from one day to the next day. This diet is determined by how they are feeling. This situation doesn’t mean that their owner shouldn’t give them the same amount every day. They should receive the same amount of food.
If a dog that has been consistently eating the same amount of food daily suddenly stops eating, or not eating at all, then a trip to the veterinarian is necessary.
What can English bulldogs not eat?
The English bulldog shouldn’t eat garlic or onion, chocolate, candy, caffeine, avocado, dairy, grapes, salt, alcohol, or raw protein.
Many of these above-listed food items are no-noes for most dogs because they can cause health problems. Some are only troublesome for the English bulldog.
Garlic and onion can cause anemia in dogs, and these food items that are delicious to us should be left out of their diet. Chocolate that we humans almost always love can cause stomach distress, but in severe cases, it can cause seizures and heart rhythms.
Who doesn’t have a sweet tooth, right? We humans couldn’t get by without the occasional sweet treat. Candies other than chocolate are bad for dogs because they can affect the blood sugar levels in a dog’s body. They also contain a wide variety of chemicals that are unhealthy for dogs.
We all need a boost occasionally to get through the day, but for a dog, caffeine can be poisonous. Caffeine causes health issues related to their heart, such as palpitations, anxiety, and breathlessness.
Avocados are healthy for humans, but for dogs, they contain a substance that is highly toxic and poisonous. This food should be avoided.
Dairy products are healthy for us humans, and tasty too. For dogs, they can spell digestive issues, and at the very least tummy upset. For the English bulldog that already tends to suffer digestive issues, this can spell real trouble, best to avoid.
Grapes are healthy, whether fresh off the vine or dried as raisins. Dogs, however, should avoid grapes and rasins completely because they can cause kidney troubles.

Salt, while a necessary mineral, isn’t healthy for anyone. When given to a dog, whether in the form of their dog food or that tempting potato chip, it can make them excessively thirsty, cause trouble with their urination, and cause poisoning.
The occasional alcoholic beverage is fine, for us adult humans, but when given to a dog they can cause digestive issues and nervous system problems.
Raw foods are unsafe for everyone, dogs included. The potential for parasites and bacteria is extremely high in foods that aren’t cooked. This can be confusing because most people believe a dog can tolerate raw foods since they are a dog, but this isn’t the case.
Other foods that are off the menu for the English bulldog include dyes, chemicals, corn products, soy products, sweeteners, and brewer’s yeast. All these can be considered additives that we may find in less expensive dog foods and treats and processed human foods.
These additives are harmful to everyone and should never be given to and English bulldog.
Since each English bulldog tends to suffer from food allergies it is best to consult their veterinarian when attempting to figure out what foods are okay and not okay. What one English bulldog is allergic to another may not be.
What human food can English bulldogs eat?
There are many foods that an English bulldog can eat other than their dog food. These human foods can be used as healthy treats for them during training and those just because I love you moments.
- Fruits and vegetables – Watermelon, carrot, apple, bananas, berries, green beans, pumpkin, sweet potato.
- Dairy – Yogurt is the only dairy product that it is okay to feed a dog.
- Peanut Butter – No salt, no sugar, no additives.
- Rice Cakes and Popcorn – No sugar, no salt, no additives, plain.
- Protein – Cooked salmon, hard-boiled eggs
These foods and others that their veterinarian can recommend will keep them healthy and allow them to feel as though they are eating the human food their family eats. Portions should be age and size appropriate and cooked as naturally as possible.
Does age or health affect how often I should feed my English bulldog?
Yes, age and health do affect how often and how much an English bulldog is fed. The different stages of life bring unique sets of challenges and advantages.
During puppyhood, a dog will need more calories more often to fuel playtime and growth. During adulthood, this will level off and can change from day to day depending on what the English bulldog has been doing.
In the senior years or when an English bulldog is unhealthy, their diet can go down or fluctuate anywhere in between. This is due to the existing health issues as well as how their body manages food in the older stages of life.
These stages of life are normal and can vary from one dog to the next. Paying attention to the cues an English bulldog gives will help determine how much and how often they should be eating.
Each dog is unique regardless of breed, this follows through to how much and how often they will eat and even what they like to eat.
In Conclusion
Feeding your English bulldog, the right amount of food at the right times is crucial for their overall health and well—being inside and out. Guidelines can be followed but the dog is always the best determiner of how often and how much food they need.
If all else fails, using a scale to keep track of their weight can help keep them staying healthy and strong for many years to come!