How Much Sleep Does A Corgi Puppy Need?

All puppies, regardless of their breed, need good amounts of sleep, just as much as they need exercise, training, healthy food, and a loving home to grow strong, healthy, and smart.

Corgi puppies sleep a lot, but how much depends on their individuality.

Corgis are a naturally energetic dog breed, and it may seem that the tiny puppy version of this breed would need less than other puppies, but this is not the case.

How Much Sleep Does A Corgi Puppy Need?

Corgi puppies need about eighteen to twenty hours of sleep per twenty-four hours or more. Puppies are growing and developing physically and mentally and their need for sleep and naps throughout the day are especially important.

Puppies will take their sleep in unusual ways; they might take a quick ten-minute nap after coming inside from a grand adventure in the backyard. 

They might also take a two-hour nap while the parent is working on their computer, conveniently close by, of course!

The Corgi puppy will do this at various times in their day and night and sleep around eighteen to twenty hours during a twenty-four-hour period, depending on what happens in their day.

What determines how long a Corgi puppy sleeps and what they need, has to do with their daily activity level, age, environment, diet, health, and what they are working on learning or curious about now.

If a Corgi puppy doesn’t have enough activity in a day, they might be reluctant to sleep as much because they have too much unspent energy. 

If they are exhausted from a full day of fun, they might conk out sooner and sleep more to recharge their internal battery and be ready for another day of fun tomorrow.

Young puppies will need eighteen to twenty hours of sleep in a twenty-four-hour period, but older puppies over six months or closer to a year will need less than that.

How much sleep a Corgi puppy needs will change as they grow up, just as the amount of food does, and their skills and activities change too.

The environment a Corgi puppy lives in will also determine how much sleep a puppy needs.

Puppies who live in stressful or overly disruptive households may sometimes need more sleep because of unease.

Households with many family members or a lot going on at all hours of the day and night can cause a puppy to need more sleep due to increased activity and traffic. 

On the same note, this same household can also create an issue where a puppy has difficulty unwinding.

This may not seem important because Corgis are energetic, to begin with, and love being around people, but sometimes it can turn energy into hyperactivity.

A way to remedy this is to have the Corgis sleeping area where there is not much traffic and far away from other distractions.

The Corgi puppies’ diet can change the amount of sleep they get. 

For instance, if they are getting an extremely high quality and nutrient-dense dog food, they may have even more energy than they already do which will keep them going.

This doesn’t mean that they don’t need the eighteen to twenty hours of sleep, they do, but they will be fueled to take on the world for longer and may lose out if they don’t have a bedtime ritual for sleep.

A Corgi puppy’s health can affect how much sleep they need. 

If a puppy is ill or has an injury, it can affect their bodies and tire them out more, requiring more sleep. 

Sleep is our body’s way of healing itself naturally, and a Corgi puppies’ body will be the same.

If their veterinarian addresses their health issue or injury, there is no need for any changes. Just let them sleep as necessary and take care of them until they are well again.

Before you know it all will be back to normal, or as normal as can be for the life of a parent with a new puppy.

Mind you, eighteen to twenty hours is not a perfect science, as some dogs are just not wired that way and don’t need that much sleep even as a puppy. 

Even though this might be the case, rest allows your Corgi puppy to recharge and relax.

Therefore, if they don’t seem to need that much sleep on any given day, there is no need for alarm. Let your puppy do what it does best, be a puppy. 

There may be times when your Corgi puppy doesn’t seem to sleep, just like a human child.

Then three days later, they conk out and sleep for longer than usual; development and learning usually cause this issue. 

The Corgi puppy might be trying to figure something out or learn a new skill, and they need time to process the information, so they don’t sleep.

While we all worry about how much sleep our fur baby needs and if they are getting enough, puppies are typically good at taking naps.

If a puppy is overly excited during the day or refuses to settle at night, they may need a little help from mom or dad, and that is okay. 

If the puppy can’t seem to let go of activity or be ready to climb in their bed, there are things a pet parent can do.

How Much Sleep Does A Corgi Puppy Need 1 How Much Sleep Does A Corgi Puppy Need?

What can I do to help my Corgi puppy sleep well?

To help your Corgi puppy sleep well, you can create a sleep ritual or schedule for at night when you sleep, and during the day, provide breaks from activity at various times where you sit with them and try to get them to rest.

They may not go to sleep, and this can never be forced as the puppy has to be mentally and physically ready for sleep, but you can do many things to help them relax at the very least.

This can include playing with them or taking them for a walk beforehand. Then you might take them to their crate or put them in their bed and have them lay down for a time.

You can stay close by, as Corgis don’t like to be alone or without their loved ones, and your separation might cause stress which is the opposite of sleep.

You could play soft music, and of course, you will want to get completely boring, so they are not interested in what you are doing.

The room or area you choose should be free of distractions from noise and sights inside and outside the home, as much as possible anyway.

Whether they sleep or not, have a set time to relax, whatever you can give them. Then keep this in place from day to day, a time, or multiple times where they can at least rest.

Since life is so exciting for every puppy, there is a good chance your Corgi puppy may take a quick nap or sleep. If they don’t, that is okay too, as sleep cannot be forced. 

As a parent, you provide the setting and let nature take its course.

What do I do if I can’t get my Corgi puppy to sleep?

If you can’t get your Corgi puppy to sleep, you will want to make sure that they are tired. Before bedtime or naptime, make sure they have had exercise a good amount because this breed needs a lot.

You will want to make sure that they have had a bathroom break, a snack, and water and that they were played with and shown love and attention.

Once these areas are covered and you put them in their crate or bed, you should just let natural sleep take its course. 

After a certain time, if they are not sleeping or appear to be completely energized, hyper or interested in the world around them, time is up, and you both move on with life.

Later you can try again, then you can play soft music and dim the lights, which will help. 

You can try various things, like what you might do for a human baby, and see if anything changes.

If nothing has changed after a couple of attempts, it might be best to let them burn themselves out for a bit and try again later.

Corgis are highly active and smart, which will keep them moving and exploring when other puppies have long since gone to sleep. Let them do their thing and be who they are as a puppy. 

It can be frustrating but not cause for worry.

In Conclusion

Puppies are growing; they need sleep and plenty of it. A Corgi puppy’s needs will be less than other puppies, but they still need plenty of sleep to develop and grow.

Amounts of sleep can change from one day to the next based on many factors, but puppies don’t always have issues with sleep. 

When they are tired, they are tired, and their body does the rest.

If they are growing healthy and getting sleep, how much sleep they need is different for each puppy, so it’s best sometimes to let them be the guide!