Can Huskies Stay Outside in the Heat?

When choosing a dog, it is important to know how well they will do in your environment. When I was picking out a husky for my family, I wanted to know whether he could stay out in the hot weather and if he would do well. After doing some research, this is what I found.
Can Huskies stay outside in the heat? Huskies are highly adaptable animals that can live in hot places. In order for a Husky to be happy and healthy in the heat, there must be water, food, and shelter. Watch for dehydration and heat exhaustion. You should never shave the fur of a Husky.
Huskies are built to live in Siberia but are so adaptable that they are found globally. They can play and live outside in the heat, as long as owners are watchful and mindful of the pups needs.
Huskies Staying Out in the Heat
Huskies are able to live in hot regions of the world, including South America, Southern Regions of the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. If this surprises you, no worries, it surprises many people.
If you know anything about Huskies, you know they have a thick furry coat. You may also know that they are popular sled dogs, and get their names, Siberian Huskies, from living in the cold North Eastern Region of Asia.
Huskies are very adaptable, and that is one of the reasons that they are so popular around the world as pets. Huskies can withstand the cold and the heat.
To keep them outside in the heat requires a couple of things. You can’t just put your dog outside in the backyard for hours on end with nothing.
So, if you have ever felt bad for a Husky you saw living in Florida, there is no reason to worry. Huskies can and do live in these places and do well.
The most important thing that you can supply for your Husky is a place for him or her to cool off in.
Many people who own Huskies are able to have healthy dogs in tropical reasons, and this is because they know what his or her dog needs.
What They Need to Stay Outside When It’s Hot
Before you let your Husky hand out in the hot weather, there are some things that need to be supplied.
The major things are:
- Water and Food
- Shade/Shelter
There are some other things as well, like a body of water to splash in, and maybe some sort of air-conditioning if you can swing that.
Water and Food
If you are going to have your Husky stay outside for a while, you need to supply him or her with the basics. It’s just like you wouldn’t leave your Husky alone all day inside without any food.
The more important of the two is water. Make sure that you regularly check and fill water. Dogs use up more water in the heat just like people do, so there is a very good chance that your Husky will need more refills than when he or she is inside.
Food is important too, especially if it’s for a long period of time. You also want to keep your dog happy and not anxious or anything if their body is already working hard to regulate body temperature.
Huskies are notoriously active dogs so they will be burning through a lot of the food and water consumed.
There are some really cool dog bowls that can give you some more peace-of-mind when it comes to keeping your Husky outside.
Here are the top 3 I found for making sure your dog gets enough water:
- Filtered Pet Water Bowl – This water bowl has a reserve so it fills itself when the bowl starts to empty. This way you don’t have to check as often to make sure your Husky still has water. It’s filtered water as well.
- Bergen Pet Waterer – This water bowl continually fills with a garden hose and shuts off automatically when it hits a certain water level. It also refills automatically.
- Push N’ Pop Dog Feeder – This dog food dispenser allows for interactive feeding time and slows down eating so there will be food to last several hours instead of eating too much at one time for your Husky. It also allows for some mental stimulation (it’s a great indoor bowl as well.)

Shade or shelter is also critical if you live somewhere hot and you want to keep your Husky outside. When the sun rays are beating down, there needs to be some spot that is cooler for your dog to get some relief.
If you have trees in your backyard, that is one of the best solutions.
Some space beneath the porch also works. Sheds also can provide coverage from the sun, but those can also get hot if there is no insulation. However, not all yards are able to have a big tree or shed, or it’s just not sensible to grow/build one.
That’s when you can get a dog house. Dog houses provide some sort of relief. If you are keeping your dog outside anyway, you should have a dog house.
If you don’t have a spot for your Husky to cool down in, at the very least your Husky will be anxious or start digging into the ground to get relief. More likely, your dog can become dehydrated or overheated, which can lead to health issues.
So, if you can get away with it, plant a tree. If you can’t, get a dog house.
These dog houses are great options for some shelter:
- Natural Wooden Dog House – 4.5 stars
- Petmate Igloo Dog House – 4 stars
- Plastic Dog House – 4 stars
- Duplex Dog House – 3.5 stars, great if you have 2 dogs
- Dog Palace – 4 stars
One thing to remember when you are picking out a dog house is the sizes. If you have a smaller Husky, you can get a medium sized dog house.
A dog house should be big enough that dog can pace around and wiggle a bit but not much bigger than that.
Cool-Off Spots
Another really good idea for someone who lives in a hot place is to get a doggy pool. You can either go ahead and purchase a dog pool or just use one of those plastic kiddie-pools that you used to play in when you were little.
This way your dog can lower his or her body temperature when it’s really hot outside, and have fun at the same time.
You will want to clean the water every now and then since your dog will probably drink out if it too.
Also, check the temperature of the water. It might be too cold after just filling it up, so much so that it might shock your overheated dog. Just like you check the bath water for a child, just make sure the water is not too cold or too hot.
Here are a couple of good options for cool down pools:
- Foldable Dog Bath – Portable and meant for dogs
- Outdoor Rectangle Dog Pool – Portable, collapsible
- Plastic Molded Kiddie Pool – Cheapest option, usually an in-store buying option
On those really hot days, you might want to bring your dog into the house, especially if they are exhibiting signs of heat exhaustion or dehydration. If you have an attached garage, this could be a great option as well.
When I had my Husky, on hot days we would bring him into the garage and put a big fan behind the screen door. He loved to sit there, and I knew that he was not suffering in unbearable heat.
If you are going on a walk in the hot weather, getting little booties to cover the paws is a good idea too, so the Husky does not get injured walking on hot pavement.
Signs of Overheating
If you are going to keep your Husky outside when it is hot, it is critical to know signs of overheating to make sure your dog stays in good health.
Huskies are able to adapt to live in hot weather, but that doesn’t make them invincible. They can definitely overheat, so you need to be alert and checking for these signs:
- Heavy breathing
- High body temperature
- Very thirsty
- Wobbliness
- Bloody feces
- Shaking
- Glazed eyes
- Drooling
- Droopy Ears
- Increased heart rate
- Vomiting
- Seizures
- Unconsciousness
- Bright gums and/or tongue
If your Husky is acting out of character or seems ill, he or she could be too hot. Something that you can do if your dog is overheating is to take them inside to a cool room or garage. Supply water but make sure he or she is not drinking too fast.
You can also get a lukewarm damp towel to cool them down.
If nothing improves in your Husky, it’s time to go to the vet. It is always better to be safe in situations like these.
Signs of Dehyrdation

Another big problem is dehydration. This happens when your dog expends more water than what he or she is taking in. Hot weather increases the risk of dehydration.
This is why supplying water constantly is important. If you think there is something wrong, look for these symptoms.
- Panting
- Fainting
- Droopy ears
- Dry nose
- Dry mouth
- Lose of skin elasticity
- Whining
- Weakness
These symptoms are pretty similar to overheating because the two are pretty closely related. Get your dog to a cooler place, get him or her water, slowly.
If issues persist or you are worried, go to the vet.
Dehydration and overheating can lead to death, so it is something to take seriously.
If you are not sure if your dog is dehydrated or not, there is a simple test that you can do. It has to do with skin elasticity. You pinch, gently, the Husky’s skin and pull it upwards. If the skin takes a long time to go back to normal, it means that they are dehydrated.
This video shows the basic checking technique.
Huskies Fur Helps Acclimation
Huskies are well known for their thick double-coat that makes them resemble wolves. This double-coat is what keeps them warm in the chillingly cold weather.
It’s actually this same coat that keeps them cool in the summer.
The top layer is meant to keep away water, dirt, and provide some protection from the UV rays. They are referred to as guard hairs.
The undercoat is where all the bulk comes from. This is a thick layer that provides warmth in the cold seasons and the fur that sheds in the summertime.
This is called “blowing coat.” The undercoat will push out the old hairs. Brushing through a coat will help hairs loosen and come out.
Cool Fact: Huskies fur keeps them warm at even -60 degrees Fahrenheit weather.
The undercoat provides insulation. This insulation, like in your house, makes it warm in the winder and bearably cool in the hot months. Having this double layer of protection is super important to the health of your Husky.
What NOT to Do With Your Husky When It’s Hot Outside
That being said, it is super important that you never shave, trim, or cut the fur of your Husky off. The only time it is okay to shave the fur is if it is for a medical emergency, and in this case, your vet will do it for you.
You will not be doing any favors for your Husky by shaving off his or her hair. In fact, you are putting your dog in a riskier situation.
With no double-coat, your Husky will not have any protection from the sun, increasing the chance of sunburn. You will also be eliminating your Husky’s ability to regulate body temperature because that insulation will be gone.
Huskies who are shaved are put at a higher risk of overheating.
So once again, do not shave off the hair of your husky. No matter how annoyed you get with the shedding, or how much you think you are helping.
When it is really hot outside, you should also avoid over-exercising your Husky. Long walks or runs, especially in the middle of the day are harmful. Huskies will always need exercise but you do not want to put your dog at a higher risk of dehydration or overheating.
It will be best to get a run or long walk out at night or early morning when it is cooler. Short walks are great as well.
DO NOT leave your Husky in a car or unattended in the backyard for hours on end just because they can live in the hot weather. This is negligent.
If you need to leave your Husky outside for a while, make sure there is shade, water, food, and toys. A camera-monitoring system can also be used to make sure your Husky is doing alright.
What You Should Know if You Live Somewhere Where it’s Always Hot
If you do not already own a Husky but you are thinking of getting one, you should know that if you are in a warmer location, your Husky will shed year-round.
Huskies have adapted to shed hair in the warm months and develop a thick coat in the winter. If you live somewhere hot, then they will shed all of the time to regulate their body temperatures.
If shedding bothers you, then you probably don’t want to have a Husky.
To help your Husky do better in your hot area, you should invest in a good de-shedding tool. Brush at least once a week. This will help reduce the risk of overheating as well.
Another good thing to know when picking out a Husky is to buy or adopt a Husky from your general area. Dogs who grow up and are used to your climate will generally do better. Huskies used to heat will do better in Florida, for example.
This is a general rule but does not always hold true. The best way to make sure your Husky does well in the heat is to keep a watchful eye and to supply shelter and water.
Related Questions:
What temperatures can a Husky withstand? A Husky can live in tropical and warm weather when there are proper shade and water. They can also live in weather as cold as -75 degrees Fahrenheit. They are highly adaptable dogs. Their double-layer coat allows them to live in various types of weather.
Is it okay for Huskies sleep outside? Huskies are capable of sleeping outside. Huskies originally slept outside in Siberia in winters, in very cold weather. That said, you should help develop the habit of sleeping outside over time and make exceptions for extreme weather.