Do Cavapoo Dogs Bark a Lot? (Make It Stop!)
I am seriously thinking about getting a new dog. The only trouble is that I live in an apartment complex and can’t have a dog that barks a lot. I like the Cavapoo, but I am not sure if they would be a good fit for me.
Interested in figuring out which dog would be best for me, I dug up some details on the Cavapoo, and here is what I found out.
Do Cavapoo Dogs Bark a Lot?
Yes, Cavapoos dogs bark a lot at certain times, like when they are left alone and are unable to adjust to this since they thrive best while being close to their loved ones. This mixed dog breed can also be heavy barkers when they are bored, feel stressed, or when they want to get their owner’s attention for some reason.
Cavapoos do bark a lot, but training and social skills can be a tremendous help to keep this negative behavior in check in this small and spritely mixed dog breed. Barking for the Cavapoo can be a sign of frustration about something, like having to wait for a much-desired treat. Or it could also be related to how happy they are, or if they are easily excited, it may be their way of expelling this energy.
While a Cavapoo can bark a lot at times, they can have a hard time stopping once they have begun. This is a common issue for some dogs as they forget why they were barking in the first place. No matter why, some things can be done to reduce the barking, but this depends on how fast action is taken.
Cavapoos who are trained early on as puppies are less likely to struggle with negative issues like barking, but it is also helpful to know the dog and its triggers in their immediate environment.
Cavapoos are a mixed breed of dog that is made up of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle. Their size is small, and their appearance and temperament being adorable and sweet. That being said, like any other dog, Cavapoos like to bark.
How much they bark depends entirely on the individual dog, but this mixed breed is known for barking a lot. Cavapoos usually struggle with being separated from their pet parents or loved ones as they want nothing more than to be up close and personal with them, sharing every moment.
This can cause a Cavapoo to bark a lot either when they are separated from their pet parent, as a coping skill and way of expressing their displeasure with the situation, or when they return to express the same.
Cavapoos are known to bark when they are bored and have nothing to do if they want attention and feel stressed.
They might also bark if they are frustrated about something, but it can also be that they are simply happy or excitement and it is their way of expressing these positive emotions.
Training and social skills can work wonders for preventing excessive barking in any dog, but some dogs will bark a lot no matter how practical the training was at teaching them manners.
Like other dogs, Cavapoos can sometimes get caught up in their emotions of the moment, whether it is boredom, excitement, or displeasure, and keep barking long after the emotion or situation has passed. They may forget why they were barking and continue barking long after it has begun.
When a dog is trained from early puppy age, Cavapoo or otherwise, it is more likely that they will have better manners and behave appropriately, so training should start early in life.
It is essential to know and understand your dog, who they are, and their triggers. This can be of great help in reducing negative habits like barking. Pet parents who know their dogs can reduce their exposure to situations that cause them to act up like they get WAY TOO excitement when grandma first comes for a visit, barking and jumping up nonstop.
In this situation, for the pet parent who knows this, holding the dog for a bit when grandma comes into the house can help with this issue. They might also let the dog say a quick hello from their loving arms and then remove the dog to another area for a short period until they calm down.
What works will vary from dog to dog but knowing your dog is the first step to reducing negative behaviors.
How can I stop my Cavapoo from barking?
There is no way to stop a dog from barking completely. Barking for them is like talking for us. You can teach them manners through training and socialization, but they are still going to bark sometimes.
Training is a very effective tool for teaching dogs good manners and proper behavior in certain situations. Through the learning of commands like Sit, Stay, Come, Leave, and Stop or No, the dog will learn what is expected of them through your words directed at them.
There are many different training methods, whether it comes from a professional or the pet parent attempts this on their own.
Cavapoos are a brilliant mixed dog breed due to their breed background, which can be a tremendous asset during training as they aim to please their pet parent during the process. It is possible that some dogs, regardless of breed, will have a strong mindset and resist training or make it more difficult, so a pet parent should be somewhat prepared for that.
In the situation of a pet parent training a Cavapoo to stop barking, it can be easy if determination, patience, and a little time are given. Negative behaviors don’t disappear overnight and it can take a dog time to accept what is being learned and get the idea consistently.
Perhaps grandma shows up for a visit. The pet parent can pick up the Cavapoo and hold them while letting grandma inside the house. Grandma, of course, should be willing to offer a quick hello to the Cavapoo, so they don’t feel neglected. After a few minutes of holding the Cavapoo while giving some reassuring love, the pet parent can release the dog to socialize with grandma on their own.
During this process, if the Cavapoo starts barking, the command No Barking should be stated to the dog. It is also helpful if eye contact is made or the dog faces the pet parent at the time, whether in arms or not.
This should be repeated as often as the dog barks until they stop barking. The tone of the voice makes a huge difference in how well the command is enforced. It must come across as confident and that the pet parent is in charge. Some pet parents may also find it helpful to use a hand gesture and command words when training their dog.
It can be helpful if the pet parent uses threats as motivation, meaning during any training of a Cavapoo, tiny morsels of treats can be offered for good behavior when they listen. When they stop barking, a tiny morsel is given with the words Good Dog or Good Baby shared.
The words that are chosen at that moment can be personal to the dog and pet parent, but the combination of treat and words must provide positive reinforcement of the correct behavior. Words should be spoken at this moment in a positive, upbeat, happy tone.
This can take time as some dogs will accept what is being taught and learn it quicker than others. If during training the Cavapoo isn’t learning and they continue to bark nonstop, they can be removed from the situation for a few moments to help calm them down and remind them who is in charge in a gentle but loving way.
It is perhaps better to train a dog to stop barking in more specific settings, like when the mailman delivers mail, than when a visitor comes to the house. Whatever situations are the most common triggers for nonstop barking are the ones that should be used.

The pet parent needs to begin the process with the right mindset, as this process will take time and energy. Training a dog should be a part of their daily routine. Once they have learned the commands and what is expected of them in certain situations, they should get daily practice with this training to use their newly learned skills.
Final Thoughts
Barking is a dog’s natural way of communicating with the world around them. For the Cavapoo, a smaller dog that can sometimes be filled with big emotions and thoughts, it can be challenging to break.
Training and social skills can help, but they should begin early in life for the best results.
For the Cavapoo, it may be helpful to spend some time talking to them and giving them the verbal attention they need to feel noticed and that their needs and wants are considered. After all, they love listening to us talk. Why not return the favor!