Why is My Parakeet Grinding His Beak?
As you get your parakeet ready for a nap or for bed after playing and feeding them, you may start to notice a little sound.
For most parakeets, this will be a little scratching sound, though some will have it become noisier. If you are a new parakeet owner, you may hear this sound and feel that it is cause for concern.
Why is My Parakeet Grinding His Beak?
A parakeet will grind their beak to show they are content and happy, often before a nap or going to sleep at night. It’s a quiet sound and it may sound strange or painful, but it is a natural reaction to the bird being satisfied and happy with their surroundings.
Let’s take a closer look at why your parakeet is grinding their beak and some of the different reasons they may choose to do this noise.
Why is My Parakeet Grinding His Beak?
While the grinding of the beak can seem a little bit strange sometimes, it is nothing to worry about. Often the parakeet is going to grind their beaks when they are tired or they are satisfied.
You shouldn’t be worried when they do it though. It is a normal sound from your bird and just shows that the parakeet is happy and relaxed.
Some research even shows that this grinding beak sound is a good way for the parakeet to help keep their beak nice and trim.
It may provide just enough pressure to help the parakeet to keep the beak trimmed and feeling nice compared to some of the other methods out there.
But for the most part, it is going to be done when the bird wants you to know that they are happy and relaxed.

When Does a Parakeet Grind Its Beak?
You may notice that your parakeet is going to grind their beaks mostly when it is near their bedtime, though they can do this at any time during the day.
When they have had time to play with their owners, had some food, and got attention, they may decide to grind their beak to show they are relaxed, happy, and content.
When your parakeet is falling asleep, it is not uncommon for them to move their beak form one side to another, which is going to make a scratching or grinding noise for you to notice.
New parakeet owners may get alarmed when they hear their parrot make this noise. But it is not a big deal to do this.
Your parakeet is happy and is probably about to fall asleep when they start to make this noise.
How Does My Parakeet Make A Grinding Noise?
The grinding sound is going to be a little different for each parakeet. Some parakeet owners will describe the sound as more of a scratching noise and other see it as a clicking.
You may hear it and assume the parakeet has a seed or some other food stuck inside of their beak.
If you have checked the bird to make sure nothing is stuck inside, then this just means the parakeet is getting themselves ready to go to bed for the night.
For those who have never heard the sound before, you may notice it is similar to when we scratch our nails on a rough surface.
Since the beak of the parakeet is made out of a similar material as human nails, this is probably an accurate description of the sound you are hearing.
It is unlikely that you will suddenly notice this sound or that the parakeet is going to just start to do this noise.
This is a common parakeet noise that will start early and they are likely to continue doing.
The next time that you are getting your parakeet ready to go to bed, take a moment to list for that noise.
Some parakeets make it really loudly so it is easy to notice and others will make it softer so you really have to listen to them to notice.
Do Parrots Feel Pain When They Grind Their Beaks?
With how unusual this sound may seem, you may wonder whether the parrot is in pain when they decide to grind their beaks.
The good news is that the parakeet is not going to be in any pain and this grinding sound is something completely natural for them to do each day.
If you hear your parakeet doing this sound, it is a good sign that they are content and happy so you do not need to worry.
The main reason that your parakeet is making this noise is for them to show they are content and happy.
Some do it as a way to get ready for bed when it is time to settle down at the end of the night. There is even some research that shows this could be a way for the parakeet to stop their beaks from getting too long.
This grinding noise could be one way that the parakeet shaves off any of the unwanted bits that are there.
While this grinding noise is usually a good sign for the parakeet and is nothing to worry about, if you do become concerned about how loud the sound is or how often the parakeet does this sound, then it is time to talk to your vet to see if there is something that you can do about the grinding.

How Often Should My Parakeet Grind Its Beak?
Because your parakeet is going to work on grinding its beak when they start to get sleepy, then it is likely that the parakeet is going to grind its beak every day.
If the parakeet has been playing and getting a lot of attention and needs a nice nap, then they will probably start grinding their beak as soon as you put them back into their cage to go to sleep.
They will likely do this at the end of the day as well. As long as you have given them the time and attention that they need and they are fed and happy, your parakeet will start to grind their beak to relax and get ready for bed.
This is a good sign that you have given your parakeet the love and attention they need.
Should I Give My Parakeet Something to Grind Their Beak On?
It is fine to give them something to grind their beak on if you are worried about the bird doing this too often, though it is not necessary and most parakeets are fine just grinding their teeth without having anything there.
A cuttlebone is the best option to use here. A cuttlebone is a nice hard treat that your bird can use that is full of the nutrients they need, including calcium.
It is a great tool to keep the bird’s beak trim and nice.
Another solution to use to help out with this problem is a beak grinding stone. Beak grinding stones may have kind of a long and scary name, but this is not the truth.
Instead, it is a nutrient-filled rough perch for the bird to sit on and use to grind their beak. Your parakeet may like to rub their beaks on the rough surface to help prevent the beak from getting misshapen and too long.
Should I Check to See if the Parakeet’s Beak is Healthy
It is always a good idea to check whether the parakeet’s beak is healthy.
There are plenty of chances for the bird to break down their beak and while this small grinding sound is not likely doing it, there are other things that can cause issues.
Whether they rub the beak on a rough surface or use a perch or cuttlebone, this can help trim the beak to keep it looking healthy as well.
While most parakeets are able to do actions to keep the beak in line without growing too much, if you notice that the beak starts to look abnormal or too long, it is not a good idea to cut the beak on your own.
There is a large blood supply that runs through the beak that you could damage. Take the bird to an avian vet to let them look over the beak and decide if there are issues you should worry about.
Hearing the Grinding Sound from Your Parakeet
While the grinding sound may be a bit strange and you may worry that it is bad for the beak. In reality, this grinding is a sign that the bird is satisfied and happy with their life.
They will often do this to show their contentment around bedtime. There are very few times when this is a bad thing, so let your parakeet enjoy making this sound to show how content they are with their life.