Why Is My Parakeet Clicking Its Beak?
A parakeet is able to make a lot of different sounds. While they can’t use words to talk with us, these sounds allow them to communicate in ways that many owners can understand once they keep the pet around for a little bit.
One of the sounds you may notice from your parakeet is that they click their beak. This may lead you to wonder why your parakeet is clicking its beak in the first place.
Why Is My Parakeet Clicking Its Beak?
Your parakeet may click its beak to show they are happy and comfortable when they are in your home. It is not uncommon to see the parakeet use this as a friendly greeting when you come back into the room or when you walk through the door after work. This is a sign that your parakeet is excited to see you and spend some time with you.
You can even learn how to click back to them to show you are happy to see your parakeet as well!
Let’s take a closer look at some of the reasons why your parakeet is clicking its beak and explore some of the neat sounds a parakeet can make when they want to communicate with their owners.
When you bring your parakeet home, you may start to notice they are clicking their big beak and making some new noises. They are able to make this kind of sound by popping the tip of the upper beak against the lower beak.
Some of the related birds, like a cockatoo, will make a clicking noise with their tongues and others like the African grey parrot will make this kind of noise with a clicking in their throat.

As you can see, this clicking noise, whether it is in the beak or in another part of the anatomy, many birds will make this clicking noise.
The good news is that this is often not a big deal and could be a way for the parakeet to communicate with you. You probably will not hear it all that much either.
For most parakeets and other birds, the beak clicking will be a sign of happiness and comfort for many birds. Sometimes the parakeet will use it as a friendly greeting when you walk in the door or when they encounter another bird at the time.
When you meet a parakeet for the first time, they will be able to show they are pleased to meet you as well by making some of these clicking sounds as well. If they come closer to you and make a clicking noise at the same time, then this is a good sign that the bird likes you.
You can use this sound back to the parakeet if you would like. Making a clicking noise is pretty easy for most people, even if you do have some troubles mimicking some of the other sounds of your parakeet.
You can show them that you are happy to see the bird as well and use it as a greeting when you walk in the door too. This can be a great way to form a connection with your parakeet as well.
As you get more comfortable with your parakeet being in your home, you will start to recognize some of the different sounds that they make more and more.
This will help you to know when the bird is happy, when they are sad, or when something seems to be bothering them quite a bit. You may even be able to mimic some of the sounds as time goes on.
Is This Clicking Noise Normal?
This clicking sound is completely normal for your parakeet. Some seem to do it more often than others, but this is more of a personality trait than anything else. It can also be a good sign that your bird is excited to see you.
Since many parakeets will use this sound as a greeting or to show they are happy about something, it is a good sign to see them using it.
Any time that your parakeet uses the clicking can be good for them and completely normal. Whether they do it when you walk into the room, when you take the time to play with them, or for some other situation, all the noise is normal. Just like with the chirping, whistling, and other sounds form the parakeet, you will find this one is normal to them.
Will Beak Clicking Harm My Parakeet?
Clicking is not harmful to your parakeet at all. It is just another of the many sounds that your bird has learned to make. If they hear other parakeets do this, they are more likely to do it as well and will use it for the same reasons that their friends do.
Many parakeets will learn how to do this on their own, even without other parakeets being nearby to teach them as well. It will not harm them to do this at all.
When we see the clicking as a form of communication with our parakeet, it makes more sense why it is done and we can see that it is not really harming the bird at all.
Your parakeet can choose when they would like to do the clicking and has full control over when they will use it and when they will not. It is not a sign that the bird is getting sick or that something is wrong with them and it does not pose any harm to them either.
What Should I Do If My Parakeet Clicks Its Beak?
You do not need to do anything when the parakeet decides to click at you. This is just a normal sound that they do to show they are content or happy with what is going on in their life. It is not a sign that anything is wrong so you do not need to worry about it too much.
If you would like, you could take some time to learn how to click back at them. If they like do this when you walk in the door each day, it may be a nice greeting for the two of you to share when you come home.
The clicking sound does not have to be advanced in order to get the point across.

What are Some of the Other Noises My Parakeet May Make?
Clicking is just one of the many noises that you may hear from your parakeet over time. They are not able to speak, but there are many different noises that they are good at using in order to get your attention and try to make sure that you understand what they are saying in the process.
Some of the other noises that you may notice out of your parakeet include:
This is a good sound because it means your parakeet is healthy and happy.
Happy chirps
You will quickly see that your parakeet likes to chirp and it will not take long to catch onto what the happy chirps mean. If your bird is a happy and easy bird, they will chirp all day long.
Many parakeets like to spend their time chattering and talking. It can sometimes seem like they are talking amongst themselves when they do this.
You may hear your parakeet decide to sing sometimes. This is often a combination of different sounds from the bird, including whistles and chirps. It is a good sign that the bird feels safe and content.
This is almost like they are hissing at you. This could warn off someone who seems to be invading their space. If there is more than one bird in the same cage and you hear this kind of sound, then it is a sign that you need to separate out the birds to keep them safe and give them more space.
These are just a few of the sounds that you may hear out of your parakeet. They have a versatile kind of language that is a lot of fun to listen to and can help them to communicate when they are happy or upset. You will quickly learn the different sounds so you can understand your bird a little bit better.
Hearing Clicking Noise from Your Parakeet
This clicking noise may sound a little strange when you hear it for the first time, but it is completely normal for your bird to do this around you.
It is a sound that the parakeet is happy, especially when they do it when you walk in the door after being gone for a long time. It is an easy sound that you can mimic as well to show your parakeet that you like them and are happy to see them as well.
When you hear these clicking noises from your parakeet, you do not need to be concerned. They are completely normal and can even be good for the bird. Allow them to use this form of communication around you to feel healthy and happy.