Nesting Material For Budgies: What To Use, When, & Why

Do Budgies need nesting material 1 Nesting Material For Budgies: What To Use, When, & Why

Key Takeaways

  •  A nesting box is not essential for budgies to breed but can provide many benefits.
  • The nesting box should be placed in a quiet, out-of-the-way location.
  • The nesting box should be the right size for your budgie and easy for them to get in and out of.
  • You should provide plenty of soft, absorbent material for your budgie to build their nest if you cannot provide a nesting box.

For budgie owners, it is a common question whether budgies need nesting material to help them get comfortable.

Do Budgies need nesting material?

While budgies do not necessarily need nesting material, it can be beneficial for them to have. Budgies will often use nesting material to line their nest and make it more comfortable. Nesting material can also help keep your budgie’s eggs warm and protected.

As an avid bird enthusiast and owner of several budgies, I love taking care of them. 

I have consulted with many aviary experts and gone over several articles on caring for budgies. Together, with my fellow bird enthusiasts, we have shared our collective knowledge and experience to write this article.

What to Put in a Budgie Nesting Box

If you are going to put nesting material in your budgie’s cage, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

First, it is important to use safe, non-toxic materials that will not harm your bird.

Second, make sure the material is soft and comfortable. 

Third, avoid using anything that could be sharp or pointy, as this could hurt your budgie.

Finally, consider using a combination of different materials to create the perfect nest for your budgie.

There are a variety of different materials that you can use as nesting material for your budgie. Some common options include:

  • Pine shavings
  • Dried grass
  • Straw
  • Hay
  • Cotton balls

You can also use a combination of different materials to create the perfect nest for your budgie. Experiment with different materials and see what your budgie likes best. 

You can even ask your veterinarian for recommendations.

In general, it is best to avoid using anything that could be toxic or harmful to your budgie. This includes things like:

  • Treated wood shavings (such as those treated with chemicals or pesticides)
  •  Moldy or damp straw or hay
  •  Sharp objects (such as nails or wires)
Do Budgies need nesting material 1 1 Nesting Material For Budgies: What To Use, When, & Why

Comparison of Different Nesting Materials for Budgies

Untreated Wood Shavings and Coarse Sawdust

Coarse sawdust is one of the best nesting materials you can provide for your budgie. It is absorbent, soft, and comfortable for your bird. 

Wood shavings are also relatively easy to find and are usually inexpensive.

The only downside to using wood shavings is that they can be messy. You will need to clean out your budgie’s nest regularly to avoid mold and mildew buildup.

Treated Wood Shavings and Fine Sawdust

Treated wood shavings should be avoided as they can be toxic to your budgie. These types of wood shavings are often treated with chemicals or pesticides, which can be harmful to your bird. 

If you must use wood shavings, make sure they are untreated and safe for your budgie.

Moldy or Damp Straw and Hay

You should avoid using moldy or damp straw and hay as nesting material for your budgie. These materials can harbor harmful bacteria and fungi, which can make your bird sick.

If you must use straw or hay, make sure it is fresh and dry.

Wood Shavings and Wood Pellets

Wood shavings and wood pellets are safe, non-toxic options for nesting material. They are absorbent, soft, and comfortable for your budgie

Wood shavings and wood pellets are also relatively easy to find and are usually inexpensive.

The only downside to using wood shavings or wood pellets is that they can create a lot of mess.

Other Things to Put in the Budgies’ Nesting Box

Do Budgies need nesting material 2 Nesting Material For Budgies: What To Use, When, & Why

In addition to nesting material, there are a few other things you can put in your budgie’s nesting box to make it more comfortable and inviting. These things include:

Concave Circles

A concave circle placed in the middle of the nesting box is essential for your budgie’s health. This concave circle provides a place for your budgie to lay their eggs and keeps them from rolling out of the nest.

It also helps keep the eggs warm and provides a sense of security for your bird.

Another important aspect of having a concave circle is to prevent the hatched chicks from developing splayed legs. 

Splayed legs is a condition where the legs point out to the side instead of growing straight. 

This can be painful for your bird and make it difficult for them to walk or fly.

Concave circles are easily available in most avian stores. However, many bird enthusiasts like making one themselves, as it can be an exciting project for them.

Food and Drinking Spot

It is also important to include a food and drinking spot in your budgie’s nesting box. This will give your bird easy access to food and water when they are taking care of their eggs or chicks.

The food and water dishes should be placed on the opposite side of the nesting box from where the concave circle is located. 

This will prevent your bird from accidentally knocking over the dishes and making a mess.

It’s important to provide your budgie with a mineral block during this time, too.


Including perches in your budgie’s nesting box is optional but can make it more comfortable for your bird. 

Perches provide a place for your budgie to rest and can help them keep their balance when they are inside the nest.

If you decide to include perches, make sure they are made of safe, non-toxic materials. The perches should also be placed in a way that they will not block the entrance or exit of the nesting box.

How to Set Up the Nesting Box

Now that you have chosen the perfect nesting box for your budgie, it is time to set it up! The first thing you need to do is choose the location of the nesting box.

It is important to choose a location that is quiet and out of the way. This will give your budgie a sense of security and privacy when they are inside the nest.

The nesting box should also be placed at a level where your budgie can easily get in and out. If the nesting box is too high, your bird may have difficulty getting in and out.

If it is too low, your budgie may be unable to see what is going on outside and may feel unsafe.

Can Budgies Breed Without a Nesting Box?

Yes, budgies can breed without a nesting box. However, a nesting box can provide a number of benefits for your budgie. 

A nesting box can help keep your budgie’s eggs warm and protected. It can also provide a comfortable place for your bird to rest and incubate its eggs. If you are planning on breeding your budgie, it is best to provide a nesting box.

If you cannot provide a nesting box, there are a few things you can do to help your budgie successfully breed. 

First, make sure the area where they will be breeding is safe and free from predators. Second, provide plenty of soft, absorbent material for them to build their nest. 

And finally, make sure the temperature in the area is stable and warm. 

By taking these precautions, you can help your budgie successfully breed without a nesting box.

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