Outfitting Your Budgie’s Cage: Everything You Need & Don’t Need!

Budgie owners are often confused about what to keep in their cages to make them most comfortable, as there are varying opinions on this.

What does my Budgie need in their cage 1 Outfitting Your Budgie’s Cage: Everything You Need & Don’t Need!

What does my Budgie need in their cage?

Budgies are quite low-maintenance. They need a spacious cage and enough items like toys and perches for playing around to keep them occupied. Together with food and water bowls and a quiet environment, they will be very happy.

As an avid budgie enthusiast for several years, I have spared no expense in learning all about budgies and their care. I have conducted several interviews with notable aviary experts and read several articles on how to give Budgies their best life.

What Do Budgies Like in Their Cage?

Budgies need a spacious cage that allows them to fly and exercise. The minimum size cage for two budgies is 18″ x 18″ x 24″. 

If you have the room, a larger cage is better. The bar spacing on the cage should be no more than ½” to prevent your budgie from getting stuck.

The inside of the cage should be filled with toys and perches for your budgie to play with and climb on. 

Budgies love to chew, so offer them plenty of chew toys made of safe materials such as wood, paper, or cotton rope. 

Your budgie also needs a few places to hide, such as a nest box or cave. This will help your budgie feel safe and secure.

Why Do Budgies Need a Cage?

Budgies need a cage for a few different reasons.


In case you are not at home, your budgie will be safe in its cage. If you live in an area with other animals, such as cats or dogs, it’s important to keep your budgie in a cage to prevent them from getting hurt.


Budgies are active birds and need space to fly and exercise. A large cage is the best way to give your budgie the room it needs to stay healthy and happy.


Budgies are social creatures and need a place to feel safe and secure. 

A cage with plenty of toys, perches, and hiding places will help your budgie feel comfortable and relaxed.

While budgies enjoy interacting with their owners, they also need time to themselves. Having a cage allows your budgie to have its own space when it wants to be left alone.

What does my Budgie need in their cage 1 1 Outfitting Your Budgie’s Cage: Everything You Need & Don’t Need!

What Kind of Food Do Budgies Need?

Budgies need a diet that consists of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as a quality pellet food. You can supplement their diet with seeds, but don’t give them only seeds as they are high in fat and not nutritionally complete.

Fresh vegetables and fruits that are safe for budgies to eat include broccoli, carrots, spinach, apples, grapes, and bananas. 

Avoid giving your budgie Avocados, as they contain a toxin that can be deadly to birds.

How Often Should I Clean My Budgie’s Cage?

You should clean your budgie’s cage at least once a week. Remove all the toys and perches from the cage and wash them in hot, soapy water. 

Wipe down the inside of the cage with a mild disinfectant. Rinse the cage thoroughly with water and let it air dry before putting your budgie back in.

What Size Cage Is Best for a Budgie?

The minimum size cage for two budgies is 18″ x 18″ x 24″. 

If you have the room, a larger cage is better. The bar spacing on the cage should be no more than ½” to prevent your budgie from getting stuck.

Budgies are social creatures that love to interact with their owners and other budgies. 

In the wild, they live in flocks of up to 100 birds. So, if you have the space, it’s best to get your budgie a buddy. Just make sure that you introduce them slowly and supervise their interactions at first.

What Is the Best Cage Shape for Budgies?

Budgies are most comfortable in rectangular cages that are built vertically. Wild budgies live in hollow trees, so vertical cages mimic their natural habitat. 

You should avoid those cheap, plastic cages that are shaped like a cube. They’re too small and don’t give your budgie enough room to fly.

Do Budgies Need a Play Gym?

Budgies love to play, so a play gym is a great way to keep them entertained. A play gym should be placed outside of their cage so they can fly back and forth between the two. It should be made of safe materials such as wood, paper, or cotton rope. 

The gym should also have plenty of toys and perches for your budgie to play with.

Do Budgies Need a Mirror in Their Cage?

Budgies do not need a mirror in their cage, but many budgies enjoy playing with them. 

If you do give your budgie a mirror, make sure it’s big enough for your budgie to see its reflection clearly. Otherwise, your budgie may get frustrated and start pecking at the mirror.

Do Budgies Need a Swing in Their Cage?

Yes, budgies love swings! They’ll spend hours playing on them and swinging back and forth. Just make sure that the swing is made of safe materials and that it’s the right size for your budgie.

Budgies are small, active birds that are native to Australia. They’re social creatures that love to interact with their owners and other budgies. In the wild, they live in flocks of up to 100 birds.

Do Budgies Need Toys?

Yes, budgies need toys to keep them entertained. Toys should be made of safe materials such as wood, paper, or cotton rope. 

The best toys for budgies are those that can be chewed on or shredded. Examples of good toys include shreddable paper towels, cardboard boxes, and wooden blocks.

Do Budgies Need a Cover on Their Cage?

Yes, budgies need a cover on their cage for two reasons. First, it keeps them safe from predators. Second, it helps to keep them calm and relaxed.

A cover also provides your budgie with a place to hide if they feel scared or overwhelmed.

Often, the cover that comes with your budgie’s cage is not sufficient. You’ll need to buy a separate cover that’s made of breathable material such as cotton or linen.

The cover should also be big enough to drape over the entire cage, including the toys and perches.

What Kind of Perches Do Budgies Need?

Budgies need perches of different sizes and textures to keep their feet healthy. They love to chew on wood, so perches made of natural materials such as bamboo or grapevine are ideal. You should also provide your budgie with a few plastic or metal perches for variety.

Do Budgies Need a Water Bottle or Bowl?

Both water bottles and bowls can be used for budgies. Water bottles are more hygienic because they prevent your budgie’s water from getting dirty. 

However, some budgies prefer to drink from a bowl. It’s really up to you and your budgie’s preferences.

Do Budgies Need Grit?

Grit is not necessary for budgies, but many budgies enjoy eating it. Grit helps them to digest their food properly and provides them with essential minerals and vitamins. If you do give your budgie grit, make sure it’s finely ground and free of any chemicals or pesticides.

What does my Budgie need in their cage 2 Outfitting Your Budgie’s Cage: Everything You Need & Don’t Need!

Do Budgies Like to Be Petted?

Some budgies enjoy being petted, but others do not. If you want to pet your budgie, do so gently and only for a few seconds at a time.

If your budgie seems uncomfortable, stop petting it immediately.

Do Budgies Need a Night Light?

No, budgies do not need a night light. In fact, it’s best to keep the lights off at night, so your budgie can get a good night’s sleep. However, if you do use a night light, make sure it’s dim and doesn’t disturb your budgie’s sleep.

Do Budgies Need a Quiet Environment?

Yes, budgies need a quiet environment in order to sleep and rest properly. If your home is noisy, you can try to reduce the noise by using sound-proofing materials such as carpets or curtains. 

You should also avoid putting your budgie’s cage in a room where there is a lot of foot traffic.

Do Budgies Need a Playmate?

Budgies are social creatures that love to interact with their owners and other budgies. If you have more than one budgie, it’s important to provide them with ample opportunity to socialize. This can be done by putting their cages next to each other or by taking them out for play sessions.

Do Budgies Need to Be Hand-Fed?

No, budgies do not need to be hand-fed. In fact, it’s best to let them eat on their own, so they can develop the skills they need to survive in the wild.

However, if you want to hand-feed your budgie, you should only do so under the guidance of a veterinarian or experienced breeder.

Do Budgies Need a Bed?

No, budgies do not need a bed. However, many budgies enjoy sleeping in a nest box or on a soft towel. 

If you do provide your budgie with a bed, make sure it’s made of safe materials such as cotton or wool. You should also avoid using synthetic fabrics as they can cause skin irritation.

Do Budgies Need to Be Trained?

No, budgies do not need to be trained. However, many people enjoy teaching their budgies tricks, such as flying to their shoulders or stepping up onto their fingers. If you want to train your budgie, you should seek the guidance of a qualified trainer.

Do Budgies Need Sand?

No, budgies do not need sand. However, some budgies enjoy bathing in sand. If you do provide your budgie with sand, make sure it’s clean and free of any chemicals or pesticides. You should also avoid using sandbox sand as it can be harmful to your budgie’s health.

Do Budgies Need a Humidifier?

No, budgies do not need a humidifier.

However, if your home is dry, you may want to consider using a humidifier to prevent your budgie from getting dehydrated. Just make sure the humidifier is clean and free of any chemicals or pesticides.

How Do I Clean My Budgie’s Cage?

To clean your budgie’s cage, you’ll need to remove all of the toys, perches, and food dishes. Then, wash the cage with hot water and a mild soap. 

Rinse the cage thoroughly and dry it completely before adding back the toys, perches, and food dishes.

Do Budgies Need to Be Groomed?

No, budgies do not need to be groomed. However, many people enjoy grooming their budgies as it’s a bonding experience.

If you do groom your budgie, make sure you use safe and gentle products that are designed for birds. You should also avoid using human hair products as they can be harmful to your budgie’s health.

What Kind of Food Do Budgies Need?

Budgies need a diet that consists of pellets, seeds, vegetables, and fruits. Pellets should make up the majority of your budgie’s diet as they are nutritionally complete. Seeds can be used as a treat and should only make up 10% of your budgie’s diet.

Vegetables and fruits can also be given as occasional treats.

Do Budgies Need Vitamins?

Yes, budgies need vitamins to stay healthy. The best way to provide your budgie with vitamins is to feed them a nutritious diet that includes fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as a quality pellet food.

You can also give your budgie vitamin supplements if recommended by a veterinarian.

Do Budgies Need a Nesting Box?

No, budgies do not need a nesting box. 

However, many female budgies enjoy using a nesting box to lay their eggs. If you do provide your budgie with a nesting box, make sure it’s made of safe materials such as wood or cardboard. You should also avoid using plastic nesting boxes as they can be harmful to your budgie’s health.

What to Put in a Nesting Box?

The best way to find out what to put in a nesting box is to ask your veterinarian or an experienced breeder. 

However, many budgies enjoy using soft materials such as cotton wool or shredded paper. You should avoid using synthetic fabrics as they can cause skin irritation.

Key Takeaways

  • Budgies are energetic creatures and they need various playthings like toys and perches to play with.
  • Although they don’t need a nesting box, you can put one to help them lay eggs. Just make sure that its safe and comfortable.
  • Your budgie may also need a place to hide in order to feel safe and secure. You can also put caves and other items in their cages.

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