Can Dachshunds Live in Apartments? A Complete Guide

Perhaps you are a struggling college student like me, or you are single and live alone in a small space and are in need of a companion. Whatever your situation may be, we have one thing in common – we are looking to adopt a Dachshund.
So, do Dachshunds make good apartment dogs? Dachshunds do make apartment dogs as they come in a variety of sizes. The Miniature Dachshund is probably the most apartment friendly as it is smaller. Dachshunds also make great apartment dogs as they are very affectionate and will provide the companionship you are looking for.
Dachshunds can make great apartment dogs if you are willing to put up with a few little quirks. But it is understanding and working with these quirks that will make life with a Dachshund in your apartment that much better.
Like buying any other new pet, it will take a while for both you and your Dachshund to adjust to living with each other, especially in a smaller space. You two are now roommates, and you should always respect your roommates.
This means that as you come to learn about your Dachshund’s personality, you should do all that you can to make your experience a happy one for both of you.
Owning a Dachshund is in no way a short-time commitment. This breed can live up to fifteen years if given lots of love and proper care. I myself owned a Mini Doxie that lived to be almost seventeen years old!
If you want to adopt any small breed, in general, I would first recommend that you prepare yourself for the commitment that will be for yourself and the time that will be put in. But if you are willing to do so, your Dachshund can be a loyal and loving companion to you over the next several years.
Personally, I cannot possibly think of a better breed than the Dachshund. For someone who is living on their own or with a small family in an apartment, or even someone looking for something to love on, I would highly recommend looking into getting a Dachshund.
You will not find a more loyal or affectionate breed. Sure, their stubborn personalities will be frustrating at times, but I am sure you will never find another animal that will love you as fiercely as a Dachshund.
I fully believe that Dachshunds are worth the commitment.
The Basics of Living With A Dachshund
“Someday, if I ever get a chance, I shall write a book, or warning, on the character and temperament of the Dachshund and why he can’t be trained and shouldn’t be. I would rather train a striped zebra to balance an Indian club than induce a Dachshund to heed my slightest command. When I address Fred I never have to raise either my voice or my hopes. He even disobeys me when I instruct him in something he wants to do.” ~
E.B. White
Before you go to buy your Dachshund, it is important that you first understand their personalities. Dachshunds are very well known for their stubbornness. If they want to be bad and do not have the proper training, they will keep doing the exact bad thing that you don’t want them to keep doing until you train them. So, if you are thinking of getting a Dachshund puppy, I would first recommend to you that you put your puppy through some training courses.
Also, a word of caution – if you are a family with small children, take caution
However, as stubborn as they can be, Dachshunds are probably one of the most loyal breeds out there.
One thing that I came to understand over my years of living with a Dachshund in my family is that Dachshunds tend to think that they are bigger than they actually are.
If they need to, a Dachshund will stare down and warn you of a complete stranger if they sense any kind of danger. This is a very territorial breed and will bark at anything and everything that may pass by your apartment. This is what makes a Dachshund an excellent watchdog.
Dachshunds are definitely cuddle-bugs. This may be because of their breeding.
Dachshunds are actually a German breed and were once trained and used for hunting down Badgers. In fact, the English translation for the word Dachshund is “Badger Dog”.
Because of this breeding, Dachshunds love to burrow, especially under your blankets. If you are looking for a breed of dog that loves to cuddle, then the Dachshund is perfect for you.
Nothing will make your Dachshund happier than getting under the blankets and sleeping right by your side (often so close that you can’t move) all night long. Make sure to find a comfortable position, because your Dachshund will not be moving for the rest of the night.
How to Choose Your Dachshund. Which is Best for My Apartment?
Dachshunds come in two sizes – the Standard Dachshund and the Miniature Dachshund.
The Standard Dachshund is the larger of the two. This dog can grow to about 9 inches tall and can way up to 32 pounds.
The Miniature Dachshund is probably the more apartment friendly of these two sizes. They can weigh anywhere from 11 pounds and under.
When picking your Dachshund, you need to factor in what you have the time for. For example, Dachshunds have three separate coat types. All of which are not hypoallergenic and will shed a tiny bit, but may require different levels of maintenance.
- The Short-haired Dachshund probably requires the least amount of time and effort when considering their coat. This dog only requires bathing every couple of months unless your dog has somehow found his or her way into something particularly smelly.
- The Long-haired Dachshund will need to be bathed more frequently than the Short-haired variety. This dog will most likely also need weekly brushing to prevent any tangles, knots, and mats in your puppy’s fur.
- Finally, The Wire-Haired Dachshund, should be bathed and brushed just as much as your Long-Haired Dachshund, or even more depending on how frequently you let your dog outside. He or she will also need to have their coat stripped twice a year.
Unless you take your Dachshund in to see a groomer, you should be checking your dog for sores and bumps or even some tenderness. You should also check your dog’s eyes to make sure that they are bright and clear.
If you find anything that seems concerning to you, take your dog in to see the vet to have it checked out.
This may seem strange, but you should also be checking to make sure that your dog’s ears do not smell, and are not weeping or full of any kind of gunk. This could be a sign that something is seriously wrong with your dachshund, and you should be taking them in to see the vet as soon as you can.
Dachshunds are also well known for their long, droopy ears like several other hound breeds. These ears aren’t just there for the cute factor, (although they certainly help) but also require regular maintenance.
Your Dachshund’s ears are the perfect place for bacteria to start forming and should be cleaned with a damp cotton swab just about every week. Just like cleaning your own ears, don’t go too far in with the cotton swab or you just may damage your Dachshund’s ears.
If you hear that typical “tap dancing” noise, then you should know that it is time for you to clip your Dachshund’s nails. This is a general Rule of Thumb for all dog owners everywhere. This should be done about once or twice a month.
Dachshunds can be wimps when they want to be, so introducing them to nail clipping when they are young will make it easier on you. The sooner, the better for everyone involved.
This same rule can be applied when it comes to brushing your Dachshund’s teeth. This should be done about two or three times a week.
Similar to your teeth, brushing your Dachshund’s teeth will keep them healthy and strong and keep them from building up tartar and bacteria.
Living in Cramped Quarters – Health and Exercise.

“Dachshund: A half-a-dog high and a dog-and-a-half long”
H. L. Mencken
Everyone knows the Dachshund, and there is a good reason for it too. No dog has such an iconic shape as the “Weiner Dog”. However, with this shape can come some possible health problems if you are not careful.
Due to their long build, Dachshunds are prone to Intervertebral Disk Disease.
I have heard of many owners in the past who spoil their Dachshunds and who don’t know when to stop feeding them. The fact is, if you keep placing food in front of them, a Dachshund will keep eating until they throw up.
For this reason, you may come to understand that many Dachshund owners struggle to keep their Dachshund’s weight down due to overfeeding.
If this overfeeding continues, it will not only contribute to back problems such as Intervertebral Disk Disease but will increase the risk of other health problems such as Canine Diabetes.
Also be careful when letting your Dachshund jump on and off of furniture as it can really affect their back. Help your Dachshund by lifting them when you can – just be careful to support their back!
For Dachshunds, it is recommended that you feed them one cup of kibble a day. With this food intake and the proper amount of exercise, your Dachshund should be happy and healthy all of its life.
Living in an apartment, it may seem that your Dachshund may need a lot of room to roam around and expend their energy. In general, this is correct. Dachshunds do need quite a bit of exercise, and keeping them in the apartment may drive make them go a bit stir crazy.
However, if you have the time, taking your Dachshund for a walk twice a day should get rid of that extra energy that your dog may have.
If on occasion you can’t seem to find the time to take them out for two walks, then playtime is also a great alternative to help your Dachshund get some of the exercise that they need.
I Work A Lot. Is It Okay For Me To Leave My Dachshund Alone?
If you live alone, then let me fill you in on a not so secret secret. Most Dachshunds suffer from Separation Anxiety.
This means that if you are constantly leaving the house for long periods of time during the day and leaving your Dachshund home alone for that time, then you may come back to a lot of destruction in your apartment.
If you are like me, and don’t have a lot of money to replace your things, then this could be a little more than frustrating for you. But it really comes down to understanding what your dog needs to calm some of these behaviors.
First, you need to understand that this craziness isn’t because your dog is ill-behaved, it just means that you have been gone too long and they are starting to miss you.
Because of their stubbornness, it would be a really good investment for you to put your Dachshund through some training courses to shake some of these habits.
Trying to punish your Dachshund way after the fact will not do you any good. Your Dachshund will not understand your anger, nor will they care.
This is where training your Dachshund at an early age will save you-and more than likely your apartment.
It should also be noted that while Dachshunds are the perfect size for an apartment, these dogs tend to do much better in pairs. So, if you have the money, and are really wanting a Dachshund, it might be worth it for you in the long run if you go ahead and buy two Dachshunds as a pair.
If this turns you off, then a Dachshund probably isn’t the right fit for you.
With two Dachshunds, it would still be worth it to train. But, even so, if you have to leave home a lot, at least your dog will have another little buddy around to keep them company and not feel so alone.
What are the Cons of Having a Dachshund in My Apartment?
Here are just a few things for you to review before you purchase your Dachshund…
- Once again, Dachshunds are stubborn. Without proper training, Dachshunds can be a bit of a terror and are prone to having accidents in the apartment.
- Besides their stubborn personalities, Dachshunds are an unusually “yappy” breed. This is a big thing for you to consider if you live in an apartment with thin walls. You don’t want to get any complaints from your neighbors.
- Living in an apartment means cramped quarters. Be prepared to have your Dachshund laying right up against your legs in the middle of the night. Just remember it’s in their nature to want to burrow
- Dachshunds aren’t the best with young children. It would be best for you to keep your child away from your Dachshund until your puppy has been through proper training as Dachshunds can sometimes be possessive.
As a whole, Dachshunds can make a great pet for apartment owners and families alike. It just takes some time and understanding for both parties.
Try not to immediately dismiss this breed just because they take some work. Obviously, if you can’t make the time investment, this dog is not right for you.
But, if you do have the time and the ability to work with your Dachshund, take advantage of that time and you can have a very endearing and loving companion for years to come.
Related Questions:
Where can I find Training Courses for my Dachshund?Try your local PetSmart or PetCo. Both of these pet stores offer obedience courses for both puppies and adult breeds. These courses can run from anywhere as long as 6 to 10 weeks depending on the intensity of the course. Most costs vary by location of the store, but tend to run fairly cheap.
Is a Dachshund a good Family Dog? A Dachshund will make a great family pet if you put in the time early enough to get your Dachshund acquainted with your little ones as well as your other pets. While they can be difficult to train, your Dachshund will be loyal to your family and will watch out for them at any sign of immediate danger.
What are some other good dogs for apartments? A Basenji is a dog doesn’t ever bark! Another option is a Bulldog. Bulldogs are gentle, and a little lazy – which means they don’t need a lot of time investment for daily exercise except for a short walk.