Can Beagles Chew on Bones?

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As a dog owner myself, I can understand wanting what’s best for your dog. I’ve done some research concerning if Beagles can chew on bones safely, this is what I’ve found.

So can Beagles chew on bones? Beagles can have bones, as long as they are uncooked. Bones from raw meat are soft enough for the dogs to chew on safely and also digest. Do not give your beagle any bones that have been cooked. They become hard and brittle, and can easily splinter or break, potentially being dangerous for your dog.

You still have to be careful and watch your dog when giving them bones, regardless of the type they are. If you are curious about the dangers of bones, or how to know which specific bones are safe for your beagle, keep reading.

What are the Dangers of Bones?

Bones, especially ones that have been cooked can have many negative health effects on your dog, it is very important to be careful when deciding whether or not you should give your dog a bone.

While raw bones are exponentially safer and better for your dog, you still have to be careful and watchful while your dog chews on it, because they can potentially break off small pieces and get them caught in their throat causing them to choke.

Beagles tend to be smaller dogs, so it is easier for them to get pieces caught in their throat, and choke. Ecspecially if given a smaller bone, that is easier to break.

The real danger is giving your dog cooked bones. Veterinarians and the FDA strictly warn against giving your dog bones that have been cooked. After bones have been cooked they become brittle and easy to splinter and break. Listed below are some of the most common dangers of cooked bones.

  • The sharp pieces that your dog breaks off can cut your dog causing mouth and tongue injuries.
  • Because the bone becomes hard after being cooked, it can also break your dog’s teeth.
  • The sharp pieces that are swallowed, can cause blocking or puncturing in the windpipe, esophagus, or other organs.
  • They can also cause internal bleeding after being swallowed

Be safe and smart about which bones you give your dog. Your dog’s health should always be your first priority when making these kinds of choices.

What are the Benefits to Bones?

As we’ve gone through in the first part of the article, bones can be dangerous, but there are also some health benefits to giving your dogs bones.

First thing’s first. You need to make sure the bones you are giving to your dog are safe, and that you watch them, to make sure they aren’t swallowing any small pieces. That being said your dog can actually benefit from chewing on bones.

The first benefit is that the chewing action actually provides mental stimulation for your dog. Chewing can help them relax and stay calm and focused. It is essentially a stress reliever for your dog, that relieves anxiety. Chewing is a natural instinct dog’s have that they need to do to stay sane.

Another benefit is the protein your dog receives from the bone marrow. Bone marrow has many positive effects on your dog’s health. Bone marrow gives them protein that they need.

Chewing on bones is also good for your dog’s teeth. It helps them stay clean and strong. As long as you make sure that the bone is not too hard for your dog, it is good for your dog’s teeth to chew on. If the bone is too hard it can crack or break your dog’s teeth, which you, of course, don’t want.

Still keep in mind that bones can be dangerous. Be smart about the bones you give your dog. Some bones are safer than others, and in the end it really depends on your dog.

How to Know Which Bones are Safe for My Beagle?

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In previous sections, we’ve discussed safe bones and making smart choices regarding your dog’s health. We’ve talked a lot about making sure bones are safe for your Beagle, but how can you be sure you are giving your dogs the right bones or not?

Always remember, absolutely no cooked bones. If you are giving your dog a bone, make sure it’s not from table scraps or previously cooked meat. Raw bones are softer and easier for dogs to digest.

Make sure the raw bones you give your dog are big enough to not be choked on. A veterinarian recommended that the raw bones you give your dog, be about the size of the dog’s head. This will make it harder for the dog to break off pieces and swallow them.

Always watch your dog, even if you think the bone is going to be safe, always keep an eye on them while they are chewing on the bone. Things happen, and somehow the dog could break off a piece of a bone you thought would be fine and choke on it. So be careful and watchful over them.

Fortunately, Beagles aren’t very aggressive dogs, so tearing up bones aren’t as big of a worry. Not every dog or every beagle is the same. You know your dog and how aggressive or destructive they can get so keep that in mind when giving them a bone. But, every dog is different so still, keep an eye on them.

Lastly, it is always better to be safe than sorry. If you are unsure about a bone, don’t give it to your dog. Be smart about your choices, and don’t put your dog in danger because you think it might be okay.

Are Store Bought Bones Safe?

You see the bones at the pet store and think if they sell them here, they must be safe for my dog. This isn’t always the case. You still have to be careful about the ones you buy, because they aren’t always safe or right for your dog. The FDA warns to be careful about store-bought bones as well.

Stores will sometimes sell bones that have been cooked or are more brittle than others. Always check the packaging to make sure the bones are raw and soft.

Also, be careful of the size of bone you buy your dog. Even though they are at the store, doesn’t mean they are good for all dogs. Make sure you buy a size that is big enough for your dog to not choke on.

Beagles tend to be smaller dogs, so they don’t have to be massive, just big enough that you don’t have to worry about pieces being broken off.

You know your dog better than anyone else. If they are more destructive than others, then maybe bones aren’t the best for them and to reach for a different chew toy. Always excersize caution in your decisions.

Related Questions:

What happens if my dog eats a bone? If your dog accidentally got a bone, watch them carefully over the next couple of days. If nothing seems wrong, and they are acting as normal, they should be fine. If they start vomiting, having diarrhea, losing their appetite, or show a change in behavior, take them to see a vet.

Can bones kill a dog? If a dog swallows part of a bone, it is possible that they could die due to choking or complications. If you start noticing health problems or a change in behavior after giving your dog a bone, take them to see a vet.