Beagle/Pug Mixes: Pictures, Cost to Buy, and More!

Pug and Beagle mixes are popular dogs who have taken on the same
So, what are puggles all about? Puggles have grown in popularity in recent years. They are bred from beagles and pugs, and, in turn, tend to be healthier than their pug breed heritage. They can cost anywhere from $400-$1,000 depending on the reputation and location of the breeder.
But there is so much more involved with these dogs. It is so important to know what kind of breeder you end up getting a puggle from, as well as knowing whether a puggle will really fit with your lifestyle. Below I’ll discuss all the ins and outs of the important factors involved with owning and caring for a puggle.
Cost to Buy
Puggles are actually on the more inexpensive side for dogs, especially designer dogs. The average cost of a designer dog sits at about $1,500. Purebred pugs and beagles usually cost more individually than a mix of their offspring.
Puggles, on the other hand, come in at about $400-$1,000. This, of course, depends on many variables. It depends on the quality and reputation of the breeder, as well as the location of the breeder in comparison to you.
Where to Buy Puggles
There are many places and breeders that breed puggles. This is due to their extreme rise in popularity. While the increase of available puggles is convinient, it can also be concerning. The more popular a breed is, the more chance it has to be bred by unethical breeders.
Before getting into that, I just want to state how crucial it is that you take a look at local adoption or rescue centers before you start researching breeders near you. Heartbreakingly, there are many puggles that get taken home, and then get sent back out because a family can’t take care of them.
There may be a puggle waiting to be taken home and shown love in your very town. Checking public adoption centers before anything else is a good rule of thumb whenever you’re looking to bring an animal into your home.
That being said, sometimes you know that a certain type of dog is right for you, and a puggle may being that dog. So, when going through a breeder in order to find a puggle, it is important to do extensive research for reputable breeders. There are many terrible unethical breeders and puppy mills out there and it is important that you avoid supporting them.
When researching breeders, be sure to get lots of different opinions on them and make sure that they’re close enough to you for you to visit them. You’ll want to meet the breeder and the parents of your potential puggle.
Also, be sure to see health screenings of the parent dogs and the puggle puppy. You want to make sure that the puppy has the best chance of living it’s happiest and healthiest life.
History of Breeding

The creation of the puggle is widely credited to Wallace Havens. It is believed that he created the first puggle in the 1980s. By the time the 2000s came around, puggles were popular enough to be marketed and sold commercially.
Beagles, one of the puggle’s parent breeds, was bred for hunting. They are of the hound group of dogs, which means that they have incredible senses of smell, constrasting starkly with the pug.
Pugs were originally bred in the east area, specifically China, in the first century B.C. They were considered royal possessions and were often given as prestigious gifts. They were given to rulers and aristocrats alike and kept as status items.
One thing about the puggle is that each litter and each puppy is a roll of the dice. They will each have different physical charactersitics as well as different temperaments.
If you’re not ready to roll the dice with a dog, it is better to get a purebreed rather than a designer dog.
As is common with designer dogs, the temperament of the cross breeds is basically a roll of the dice. Especially with two dogs from different breed groups like beagle and pug, they will all have very different personalities and quirks.
This means puggles, and other mixed breeds often can strongly take after one or the other parent breed. Another possibility is that they become a strong mix of both breeds.
Beagles are from the hound group, which means that they were bred for hunting. They’re known for their long, bellowing howls as well as their happy and content personality. They’re quite smart and curious.
When they get a whiff of something that intrigues them, they often will run off to investigate and they have a strong sense of adventure.
Pugs, on the other hand, are from the toy group, which means that they’re tiny and meant to live as domesticated pets. They earned the nickname “little shadow” because of their tendency to follow their owner around. They love their owners that much!
They also are known to get jealous when they feel like they have to compete for their owner’s attention.
Puggles take these qualities and then express those that are most dominant in them. While it is mostly a guessing game, there are some
While beagles are known for their howls, pugs are known to bark often. This means a puggle might very well bark and howl.
They are known for their curiosity and loyalty to their family. They’re very playful, energetic and great with children. Because they’re so small, they don’t mind living in small homes, apartments or condos.
The downside is that the neighbors in those smaller places will most likely mind the presence of the puggle because of their tendency to be a loud member of the family.
One thing to be wary of when you’re dealing with mixes of two very different breeds is the potential for negative qualities to collide and cause problematic behaviors in a mixed breed.
For example, beagles are very good at following their sense of smell. They’re incredibly curious and courageous. They’ll leave on adventures and then sniff their way back home.
But, the pug part of them might make it so they follow a scent, and then can’t find their way home. This might be incredibly confusing and frustrating for the dog, which can cause them to lash out and be naughty.
Physical Makeup
The physical makeup of these dogs similar to their temperament in the sense that it is mostly a toss of the dice for them to look a certain way. When deciding whether or not a puggle is the right dog for you, it is crucial to think of all the possibilities of different temperaments, physical appearances and health concerns that a puggle can express.
Any variation can happen, and you need to be prepared for any of them.
Pugs usually weigh about 14-16 pounds while beagles can weigh anything up to 30 pounds. This means a puggle will weigh anywhere from 14-30 pounds.
Pugs are usually about 10-13 inches tall while beagles stand at about 15 inches. This means there is a good 5-inch range between 10 inches and 15 inches where a puggle can fall.
Both pugs and beagles are known to shed a lot, which means a puggle will be no different. Their coats are short, straight and tidy. They also often have impressive colorings and markings on their coat.

Most often they will have a distinctive black or dark mask of hair on their snouts, inherited from the pug. The colors that can make up a puggle are white, fawn and brown. These are often mixed together. There are also pure black puggles, but these are quite rare.
The snout of a puggle is something that varies quite a lot. Beagles are known for their long snouts, using it for hunting scents. Pugs, on the other hand, have one of the shortest snouts and flattest faces of all the dog breeds.

This is quite a big deal concerning health issues, which we will discuss later in the post. But a puggle’s snout varies from many lengths and shapes, but it usually sits right about the halfway mark between a pug’s and a beagle’s snout.
Many puggles often take after pugs in the fact that they have a baby-like face, big eyes, and deep face folds and wrinkles.
Training a Puggle
Each breed has it’s own difficulties and caveats concerning training, but for the most part, puggles are pretty simple to train. All that is required is some dedication, patience and lots of treats.
Since beagles have such an innate desire for adventure, they need to be trained early to come back when called. If a puggle has this trait, they will most likely try to bolt time and time again. But, with good training, this won’t be a problem, because they will know that when called, they must come back.
Pugs, on the other hand, can be difficult to potty train. But, with
The thing to remember is that every bred is going to have its own little training quirks.
Exercise and Diet
When a dog is fed right and has a proper exercise schedule, this makes all aspects of its life a lot easier. In turn, this will make your life easier too! If a puggle is exercised properly, then training will become even easier.
They will be more obedient and more focused during training because they got that excess energy out of their systems. A good exercise schedule will also reduce any howling that a puggle does.
Exercise is especially important for puggles because they are so energetic. While they may be small, they make up for it in energy and personality. Compared to other breeds, they need only moderate exercise.
They often enjoy a brisk daily walk. But, along with a daily walk, it is suggested that they have a medium to large fenced backyard that they can run around and play in.
Never walk them unleashed and never leave them out unsupervised. With the beagle’s admiration for adventure, this could lead to them getting hit or lost.
Taking a puggle home as a puppy from a breeder means that they will already have a set diet schedule. It is important that you ask their breeder what and when they ate so you can keep their feeding schedule consistent and healthy.
This applies to puggle puppies, adults, and seniors! Keeping their diet consistent during the process of transition will help them a lot.
Once the puggle is home and adjusted to its new life, you can gradually start altering the diet schedule to what is best for your dog personally. Puggles need to be fed high-quality dry kibble and it is important to stick with your vet-recommended portions.
As with most other dogs, it is preferable for the daily amount to be split up into two or even three meals to boost their metabolism and keep them healthy.
Health Concerns
On average, a healthy and happy puggle will live to be about 10-15 years old. While puggles may be considered healthy compared to other dog breeds, they still have a collection of health concerns.
While most of these come from the pug breed, there are a couple that
Respiratory: Since pugs have such short snouts, breathing and staying cool is a lot more difficult for them than it is for other breeds. This means that it is common for them to have respiratory problems as well as overheating during exercise. For puggles, this is only a problem
Eyes: Pug’s eyes are more vulnerable to getting scratched, infected or injured because they protrude out of the shallow eye sockets of a pug’s head. The flatter your puggle’s face is, and the more the eyeballs protrude, the higher chance they have of having these same eye problems.
Spinal: The pug’s curly tail can cause intense back pain and problems if the spine is deformed at all. This problem in puggles depends, of course, on how curly their tail is.
Beagles are known to be quite healthy and don’t have many health issues, especially compared to pugs. However, t
Related Questions
Are puggles healthier than pugs? Puggles generally are healthier than purebred pugs. The beagle genetics lessen the chance of the deformed spine and the breathing problems. This is the point of a lot of designer breeds like the puggle. Their goal is to make a breed that will be healthier than its parent breeds.
Are puggles aggressive? Puggles are not aggressive dogs. They are very active and social. Since they have inherited the pug’s charm and the beagle’s love of people, they’re friendly to everyone they cross paths with.