Are Cockapoos Hypoallergenic?
I am thinking about getting a dog, and I have allergies. I believe that a Cockapoo might be a good match, but I am not sure if they are hypoallergenic.
After doing some research, I compiled some interesting facts about this breed.
Are Cockapoos Hypoallergenic?
Cockapoos are hypoallergenic, depending on who you ask. Some believe no dog breed is really hypoallergenic despite the term that some breeds have acquired. Some dog breeds, including Poodles, one parent to Cockapoos, can be considered less likely to cause allergies. There is much debate about whether any dog, Cockapoos included, can be regarded as hypoallergenic because they all have hair or fur and do shed sometimes.
For a Cockapoo to possibly be considered hypoallergenic, they need to take after their Poodle parent and not their American Cocker Spaniel parent, which has a lot of fur that sheds. Cockapoos that are lucky enough to earn the term hypoallergenic would not be the first-generation of Cockapoo dogs.
For a Cockapoo to be considered hypoallergenic they are usually not a first generation of this cross-breed dog. Whether a Cockapoo is hypoallergenic depends on what allergies the people around them suffer from and how their hair or fur is cared for.
Cockapoos can potentially be considered hypoallergenic but still cause allergies in certain people who suffer moderate to severe allergies if they are not properly groomed. Whether or not they are considered hypoallergenic, it is always best for potential pet parents to assess their own health before adopting.
Cockapoos are cross-bred dogs that blend the Poodle and American Cocker Spaniel qualities into one dog. With this cross, these dogs will take on qualities from each dog breed. Sometimes, they will favor the Poodle, which can mean that some Cockapoos can be considered hypoallergenic dogs.
Poodles and certain other dog breeds can be considered to have hypoallergenic coats of hair or fur. These dogs are less likely to cause allergies in people who suffer than other dog breeds.
There is much debate about hypoallergenic dogs, and if the term is even accurate since no dog can officially be considered entirely free of shedding their hair or fur.
There is however, evidence that certain breeds, including the Poodle and some generations of Cockapoos, are less likely to cause allergies in those who suffer than other dog breeds. Whether or not they can be considered hypoallergenic is still a debatable topic for some people.
If Poodles can be considered hypoallergenic, their puppies can be as well, at least some of them. The generation of Cockapoo factors into whether they are hypoallergenic or are not. Multi-generational Cockapoos and Cockapoos that are back-crossed have a higher incidence of being more like their Poodle parent, which can mean that they don’t shed their hair that much and it is very minimal when they do. The American Cocker Spaniel which is the other dog parent to the Cockapoo has a lot of fur and sheds quiet a bit.
One way to increase the chance that a Cockapoo is hypoallergenic is to back-bred to the Poodle line. This reduces the amount of American Cocker Spaniel and increases Poodle qualities in the next litter of puppies, which can cause the Cockapoos to be hypoallergenic.
Whichever parent the Cockapoos take after, or which generation they are a part of, every dog sheds a little.
What can factor into whether or not Cockapoos are hypoallergenic is their pet parent or the people around them, and what they have allergies to. Those people who suffer from allergies to dog or pet hair must always be wary of any dog, regardless of how they are classified.
These individuals can always suffer from an allergic reaction depending on how severe their pet allergy can become.
Individuals that suffer from seasonal or other allergies that are not related to animal hair or dander could still potentially suffer even if a Cockapoo is considered hypoallergenic. This depends on how severe their allergies are and what they are allergic to.
Cockapoos can sometimes be considered hypoallergenic but must still be well are cared for and groomed efficiently. With a parent like the Poodle, certain Cockapoos can have hair that is low shedding and less likely to cause issues.
If this is the case, when paired with a pet parent or caregiver who has a solid grooming routine that ensures the home is clean and free of animal hair, allergies are lessened. Good grooming habits reduce the amount of hair and animal dander around the house, reducing allergies and allergic reactions in those who suffer.
Whether or not a Cockapoo or other dog breed is considered hypoallergenic, potential pet parents must consider their health first before adopting.
What does it mean for a dog to be hypoallergenic?
For a dog to be hypoallergenic it means the dog doesn’t shed their fur or hair and dander, or sheds very little, which reduces the chance for allergies. If we break the word down, hypo means low, so it means low shedding in simple terms.
While some people debate whether the term is appropriate or fitting for a dog, the term does fit certain dog breeds. Poodles are lucky enough to be one of those dog breeds and rightfully termed hypoallergenic.
Other dog breeds can fit the term hypoallergenic because they hardly shed any fur or hair and dander.
What does the Cockapoos’ generation have to do with how much they shed and if they are hypoallergenic?
The Cockapoos’ generation affects how they shed and if they are considered hypoallergenic because each generation of Cockapoo will have a certain amount of Poodle versus American Cocker Spaniel.
Whatever means of breeding, whether the pairing of two Cockapoos or back-breeding one to a Poodle again, it can create a less shedding and more healthy dog, or add more Poodle to the mix. This can also mean less of the American Cocker Spaniel which increases the likelihood that any or all of the puppies will be hypoallergenic.
First-generation Cockapoos can have a higher incidence of having hair like their American Cocker Spaniel parent. With each generation’s passing, and especially with the multi-generational Cockapoos, they have a higher chance of being more hypoallergenic and shedding less. With the passing of each generation, a Cockapoos gains more of certain qualities like being low shedding and also reduces the incidence of negative qualities.
Breeding can factor into this equation, therefore selecting a breeder that is responsible is highly important.
How will a Cockapoo being hypoallergenic or not affect my seasonal allergies?
How a Cockapoo being hypoallergenic or not can affect your seasonal allergies by increasing the number of allergens around the house or on your clothing.
Dogs go outside. They run, they play, they get into things which can carry allergies. Any dog can be a magnet for these allergens and for people who suffer from seasonal allergies like pollen, grass, or leaf mold.
Hypoallergenic dogs have a lower likelihood of causing problems even if the allergen is on their fur because they don’t shed as much as some other breeds.
However, it should be noted that there can still be an issue with dogs that are considered hypoallergenic because the dog could brush on the pet parent or furniture and transfer the allergen.
Depending on how severe the seasonal allergies are, pet parents can still enjoy having a pet with some precautions regarding how their dog’s fur is cared for when they come and go in and out of the house.

A good grooming and brushing routine can help manage this issue, whether it is a Cockapoo and they are hypoallergenic or not. Pet parents who suffer from any allergy must consult their doctor before adopting any pet to ensure that they are healthy and safe to do so.
Doctors can access the pet parent’s health and well-being before they decide to welcome a dog into their home. If they can adopt but still suffer mild allergies, much can be done to ensure their health and well-being while owning a pet.
If I shave my Cockapoo, will that make it hypoallergenic?
No, if you shave your Cockapoo, it will not make them hypoallergenic. This is related to their genetics, breeding, and what type of fur or hair they have.
Shaving any dog will make their hair or fur shorter, but that doesn’t have anything to do with how much it sheds and if it causes issues. Good grooming habits can help with allergies, but shaving a Cockapoo or other dog is not recommended to reduce allergies for those people who suffer.
In Conclusion
With the right set of genetics from their parental background, Cockapoos can be considered hypoallergenic.
While being hypoallergenic may make life easier when living with a pet, it is no guarantee that the pet parent will never suffer from allergy issues. Good health must always be considered no matter what breed of dog is chosen.
Thankfully Cockapoos have so much to offer for those who are lucky enough to own them. With all of that cuteness and loveable appeal, we understand why those who suffer from allergies find them hard to resist!