Why Do Huskies Cry?

37376799 m Why Do Huskies Cry?

You might have just brought home your first new Husky puppy and its crying and whining is keeping you up all night. This is common for many new dog owners and you’re probably wondering what to do. Even if you have an older Husky who seems to cry a lot, knowing what is causing your dog to whine is important.

Why Do Huskies Cry?

Huskies are closely related to wolves, therefore they really like to talk and call out by howling. It can be their way of communicating with us. They might cry for a variety of reasons, such as fear, pain, excitement, or loneliness.

Huskies also cry for various reasons such as separation anxiety, trying to communicate a want or need, or simply as an act of showing you that they object to something.  A lot of husky puppies and even adult dogs act a certain way based on where they came from. These dogs are pack animals and tend to need company in order to feel at peace.

Reasons for Crying

The vocal qualities of huskies can be quite entertaining and attract many buyers to this breed for that reason alone. They are known for their interesting sounds. Huskies have a wide range of vocals that can act as some good entertainment for your family. Sometimes they even sound like they’re talking!

However, sometimes they’re more vocal then you would like. There are a variety of reasons for this.

Huskies can tend to be on the needier side, especially when they are young. They need the companionship of another dog or person. Unless you’re willing to spend every waking moment with your new husky, you might want to consider getting another dog so they can both keep each other company.

Huskies tend to howl and whine more than bark. They rarely bark, and it is usually a way to assert dominance or claim their territory when they do.

All dogs howl, whine and bark, but huskies tend to be a bit more vocal than others. This behavior is likely due to their close relationship to the wolf family. Reasons dogs can howl can vary, and some are unknown, but there are a few that are certain.

Dogs tend to howl when they are lost or they think someone else is lost. Huskies, in particular, do this to figure out where their pack is located. You may have seen this when dogs hear an ambulance, sit down, point their muzzle up and go full on wolf.

Another reason dogs can be vocal is that they are scared. The reason for making noise is because they think someone is close enough to them to help solve their problem or comfort them.

Lastly, a big reason dogs will howl is that they are not getting their way, and want to let you know that they are really upset about it. This can be similar to a kid throwing a tantrum and wailing. Do not panic, huskies are naturally vocal dogs with big personalities and this vocal behavior does not mean they are in pain, or uncomfortable.

Sometimes your husky just wants you to know that its not happy with whatever is happening around it!

Should You Be Worried?

Now that you understand the basic reasons for huskies to cry, what can you do to make them do it less often? Huskies are known for being extremely vocal and it worries a lot of owners.

Depending on your husky, the amount of vocality coming from it varies. Some huskies are not vocal at all, while you can’t get others to be quiet. More often than not, huskies tend to be on the more vocal side. While they don’t bark a ton, they do whine and howl due to their close relations to the wolf family.

It is simply in their instincts to be vocal, and it really is not anything you should worry about. Pay attention to when your husky is the most vocal, what triggers it, and what stops it. If you can’t stand your huskies howling and know the triggers associated with it, you can help your dog avoid them to give yourself a break. Even though huskies can be very vocal, they are fun and energetic dogs.

Can You Train Huskies To Stop Crying?

47744129 m Why Do Huskies Cry?

While some find the vocality of huskies to be entertaining, some can find it very frustrating. Luckily, it is possible to train your husky to stop whining. It can be simple to train, but it does require time, consistency and the right tools. There are three different methods for training your husky. Depending on you and your husky, one will work better than the others.

Day to Day Method

The first method is called the day to day method. The most important part of training your husky day by day instead of formally is noticing when they are more quiet, rewarding that behavior, and not rewarding more vocal behavior. Be consistent with this training.

If your dog is being quiet, invite them to come play a fun game outside! Your husky will soon learn that the rewards will be given when he is quiet instead of vocal.

An important rule here is to ignore your dog when the whining behavior starts to happen. Turn away, walk away and do not make eye contact with your dog. Completely ignore the behavior. As the behavior is not acknowledged, your husky will notice and stop using whining as a way to seek attention.

Time Out Method

The next method is called the time out method, which sounds exactly like it is. As you continue to reward good behavior and you notice that whining is still happening, time out might be an option that works for you and your dog.

Set up a crate for your dog, and put them in “time out” when they start to whine. Don’t let them out until at least 10 seconds of silence has passed from his time in the crate. Be consistent, as this will be the best way your dog will learn!

Speak and Quiet Command Word Method

Lastly, the ‘Speak’ and ‘Quiet’ method has proven useful for huskies and their owners when it comes to training. This method consists of putting a marker on speaking and being quiet. Even though it can seem counterintuitive to reward your dog for being vocal, it will teach him the difference. Decide on a marker word.

This can be a word or even a sound such as a whistle. This “marker” is used to distinguish the difference between being vocal and being quiet. This method is useful when you want to be able to quickly signal to your dog to be quiet in a situational setting. When using the marker, give a treat when the correct command is presented by your husky.

Start with “speak” and reward the behavior. After that is mastered add in “quiet” and begin to reward the behavior. Your husky will start to learn the difference between these words and the behaviors you are asking to follow. Alternate between saying speak and quiet, as this will give your dog practice.

Make sure to reward the correct behavior and do not reward the wrong behaviors. Practice this day to day so that it will become a learned behavior over time. The most important thing to remember while training your husky, no matter which method you have chosen is to stay committed and consistent.

Your dog will have a really hard time learning when the rewards and commands are inconsistent. This will cause frustration and a prolonged training process which is not necessary.

Between these three different methods, one should be able to help you and your husky get along better. Whether it be day by day, time out, or speak and quiet, or a mix of all three, your husky should be behaving better in no time.

One method might not work for you or your dog, and it is always okay to try a different method instead. With a little training, your husky should be able to listen a little better, give you less headaches, and you can be proud of your success in training your pup!

BONUS MATERIAL: If you want to know more about living with a Husky, read about Husky Temperament and How Often Husky’s Bark!

Related Questions

How do you stop a husky from whining when left alone?

To prevent seperation anxiety with your husky you can crate train your husky, leave the television on when you leave, or make sure they have had enough exercise before your departure.

How to stop husky from whining at night?

To stop your husky from whining at night, try to get them really tired before bedtime, make bedtime comfortable, and do not respond to the whining. Your puppy will get used to it after a few nights.