Husky Rescue Guide: How to find one, and what it will be like

Huskies are a very popular dog breed. Many people want to buy new husky puppies but that can be costly. Adoption is usually a much cheaper and more beneficial process for you and the dog. Here is the research I have found on rescuing huskies.
Where can I rescue a husky and what will it be like? There are husky rescues around the country that allow you to apply to adopt. You also could find one at a local animal shelter if you are persistent about looking and checking online. Most shelters have an application to make sure you are the right fit for the dog and can pay the adoption fee.
If you are interested in learning more about why you should rescue, where to adopt Huskies, the adoption process, being a good fit for adoption, and getting your new Husky, adjusted then keep reading.
Why Rescue?
Many people would much rather buy a brand new, perfectly bred puppy than go through the work of rescuing an old dog. What people don’t understand is that rescuing really isn’t much more work than buying a new puppy. Purebred Husky puppies are expensive, and many breeding businesses aren’t safe or trustworthy environments to buy dogs from. In addition, not all rescue dogs are old, mean, and raggedy dogs. In fact, there are many benefits to rescuing a husky rather than buying one!
First, adopting is substantially cheaper than buying from a breeder.
Husky puppies from breeders can cost anywhere from $500 to $1500. This doesn’t even always include all of the necessary shots and medication they need as a puppy, as well as the later cost of getting them neutered or spayed.
On the other hand, adoption fees can be much cheaper. Adoption fees from rescues or animal shelters usually range anywhere from $15 to $100. There are even some animal shelters that don’t have an adoption fee at all! Not only is the cost of adoption cheaper, but most of the dogs in the shelters will have already had their health needs taken care of.
The Huskies in the shelters are usually a little bit older, so they have their puppy shots and have been spayed or neutered. This is another way to reduce the expense of a rescue over that of a puppy farm.
When you choose to adopt, you are also saving a Huskies life and giving them a new one.
Rescuing is a very rewarding proccess. It allows you to take an animal that has had many hardships in their life, and help them heal and have a forever home.
Many huskies, or really any animal in a shelter, have gone through a lot in their lives to get there. Whether they have been rescued from an abusive owner, found living in the streets, or even just having to be given away because their family couldn’t keep them, many of these dogs have lived hard lives. They may be unused to human contact and are living in a new and unfamiliar environment. By rescuing a husky, you are giving them a new life where they can feel safe.
Many local animal shelters are overcrowded and don’t have enough space for all the animals coming in. Because of this, many shelters will have to put down animals that have been in the shelter for a certain length of time. While this period is different for all shelters, most follow the 72-hour guideline and euthanize the animals after being in the shelter for only three days.
So by rescuing a husky, you might literally be saving its life, not just metaphorically.
Where To Rescue a Husky
There are several different places you can rescue a husky from around the United States. It depends on the type of husky you are looking for.
When rescuing a Husky, the first thing you want to check is if the adoption center they’re coming from is reputable.
That being said, the first place you can adopt from is a person who specializes in rescuing Huskies.
There are several places around the United States that do this. There are more private shelters that get huskies from off the streets, from people who have had to give up them up, or have rescued them from abusive or neglectful homes.
These sanctuaries are good places to adopt from because they tend to be less crowded, the Huskies are better cared for, and get the attention they need. These types of places can be a little more pricey for the adoption fees because they are more privatized and want to ensure that their dogs are going to good homes. But for the price, you are more likely to be matched with a husky that is right for you.
Another place you can adopt from is a local animal shelter.
Almost every city has its own animal shelter that take in strays and dogs that need to be given away. These tend to be cheaper, but it is also hard to make sure you are getting what you want, as the animals they have are always changing.
Usually, local animal shelters will have a website that shows what animals they have available for adoption. If you keep on the website, keep calling, or even go in frequently, you may be able to get the Husky you are looking for. It just takes patience and persitance.
If you are looking for a more immediate solution to rescuing a Husky, there are many online options.
If you are willing to travel to get your Husky, there are several websites that will post adoption ads from all over the place. These types of websites will usually give you a way to refine what you are looking for, and only show you Huskies that are up for adoption. This not only speeds up the process, but it also gives you more options.
The Adoption Process
Once you find the Husky you want to adopt, there are a few more steps that need to be taken. The process differs from place to place, but as far as rescuing from a shelter or a rescue, this is the basic process that will be followed.
First you meet the Husky.
Once you find a husky you are interested in, you will want to meet it. Looks aren’t everything, and the shelter can only write so much about a dog in their bio. All you do is go into the place that has the husky, and ask a worker if they can bring it out for you. Most shelters will be very willing to do this. You will be able to see firsthand the dog’s energy,
After meeting the dog, the shelter will most likely have you fill out an application.
The application is more like a questionnaire to ensure that not only the Husky is a right fit for you, but you are the right fit for the husky. Rescue dogs can sometimes be more work because of the emotional distress they have suffered. The workers at the shelter know more about the dog and want to make sure they aren’t sending the dog to an unfit home. They want the dog to find a forever home, not be brought back because of a personality clash.
Once the applcation has been reviewed and accepted, there will sometimes be a home visit from one of the shelter workers.
During a home visit, they will bring the dog and see how it functions in the environment. They also come to check if your home is a good and healthy place for the Husky.
If you pass the home test then the husky is pretty much yours. The last thing you need to do is go in and get your husky.
When you go in to get the Husky, you will pay the adoption fee and get the dog’s veterinarian and immunization records so that you can license your new Husky.
Not every adoption process is exactly the same, and some shelters may just forego the application process, and give you the Husky after you meet it. It just depends on where you are adopting from. This is just a basic outline so don’t be too surprised by the application process if it includes different steps than this.
Are You a Good Fit to Adopt?

While adopting or rescuing is very rewarding and can be better than buying from a breeder, it’s not always right for everyone. Dogs that have been put into shelters have usually suffered either physical or emotional trauma. Whether it’s being separated from their family, living on the streets, being abused, or even just being in an unfamiliar place, the dog is usually under a lot of stress.
This can sometimes be a little more work for the new owner, as it takes time for the dog to get adjusted depending on the circumstances.
Dogs who have been living on the street often show signs of possession, and are very protective over certain things, mainly food. This is a trait that will have to be extinguished over time by the new owner. This process requires a lot of trust building and may not go away completely despite your best efforts. Dogs with this kind of behavior would not be the best match for families with children, or for someone who is not willing to take the time to help.
Another common problem is socializing your dog with other dogs. Dogs that are in the shelter are usually not very trustworthy around other dogs, especially if they feel like they have to compete with others for survival. Dogs with this type of personality would not be great fits for those who already have dogs, or spend a lot of time around other dogs.
Many dogs in rescues or shelters have been abused or abandoned by a previous owner, which might make them scared or distrustful of humans. This behavior can begin to be worked out by shelter workers but will take a lot of time and bonding to work with a new owner.
As long as you are really dedicated to the rescue dog and are willing to spend the
Luckily, most shelters have the questionnaires that will help do most the work to decide if a dog you are adopting is going to be right for you, so no need to stress about accidentally picking the wrong dog.
Huskies can be a very timid dog breed. They are known for being gentle and kind, and even good around children and other dogs. They are naturally more mild and loving, so many of the behaviors may not even be a problem with a husky but every dog is different depending on the circumstances.
Getting Your Rescue Husky Adjusted
After you find the perfect husky, you need to get it adjusted to it’s new forever home. This may take a little bit of time, especially with older dogs but if all goes well they should settle in just fine.
The first thing you want to do is get rid of any toxic behaviors they may have developed such as food possession, signs of aggression or tearing things up.
The best way to do this is teaching them that this is not acceptable behavior. They aren’t doing these behaviors to be mean or malicious, most of the time these behaviors are instincts they developed to survive.
Now that they are in a safe environment they don’t need them anymore. It is not effective to just get mad and yell at the Husky for these behaviors. Yelling teaches them to not do something because they fear you, not because they respect you.
When these behaivors are performed, you want to give them a stern no, and some sort of unharmful sign such as squirting them with a water bottle or pointing at them.
It is very common for rescue dogs to tear things up or chew on things when they first come to a new home. They don’t do this to display rebellion, but because it’s a natural stress reliever. Provide them with chew toys where they can relieve their stress, and teach them the difference between the couch and a chew toy.
Not only do they need to get adjusted to the environment, but they also need to get adjusted to you too.
Building a trusting bond with your new rescue Husky is very important. They have had a life full of people that have let them down, and they need someone that they can trust and love.
The best way to build a bond with your husky is to spend time with it. Schedule at least a few minutes each day to just play with your Husky. Take it on a walk, or play tug of war or fetch. Do something you know your dog enjoys.
You also need to pay attention to it.
Rescue dogs are a lot jumpier and more anxious than a dog that was raised in a stable environment. Show your husky that everything is okay and that they are safe where they are.
Rescue dogs may take some dedication, but in the end, it will be worth it when you notice the progress and the joy being brought back into the life of the Husky. You are not only rescuing a dog, but you are also getting a companion.
Rescue dogs tend to get a bad reputation of being mean or aggressive, but in reality, most rescue dogs turn out to be great dogs that just want a forever home. They tend to be very sweet and create a bond with their owner that rescued them and loves them that doesn’t compare to just buying a dog.
Related Questions:
Can you adopt a husky for free? Sometimes there are places that will wave an adoption fee, but for the most part, there is usually a fee. The fee is usually quite affordable and it helps to cover veterinarian
What is the best age to adopt a dog? The best adoption age varies. Many people really want puppies, but they require more time and training. Adopting an older dog is usually better for people who want a lower energy dog, and one that requires less training. It mostly depends on personal preference.
How old do you have to be to adopt a dog? There is no specific age requirement. You will have to fill out your own paperwork or have a parent or guardian fill it out if you are under 18. Though the shelter will check to make sure you have an appropriate living situation for the dog and are a good fit as an owner.