How Often Do Huskies Bark?

A classic trait in dogs is their ability (and sometimes habit) to bark. If you own a Husky or you’re interested in getting one, you might be wondering how often they bark.
How often do Huskies bark? Huskies sometimes bark as an invitation to play. Other than that, Huskies rarely bark. Barking is a territorial call, and Huskies are uniquely non-territorial. They are very talkative and love to howl, bay, and “woo,” to express themselves, but not bark.
As you continue reading, you’ll see deeper detail behind why Huskies don’t bark very often if there are possible scenarios when a Husky may bark (like around strangers or other dogs), and what it means if a Husky barks a lot.
Husky History: Why Huskies Don’t Bark Often
Barking for dogs is like talking for humans- it’s how they communicate with others. The main reason why a dog is going to bark at someone is due to their territorial and protective nature.
I’ll briefly compare with German Shepherds. Dating back to the 1850s, German Shepherds have been bred to preserve their hardworking and responsible personalities because society relied on this breed’s intelligence and loyalty to work intense jobs, such as herding sheep. Today, German Shepherds are trained to be police dogs.
This also means they have territorial behavior; they are fiercely loyal to their owners, but if they are faced with threats (or something that could be a threat), they’re going to want to drive the threat away with loud, scary-sounding yips and yaps.
Now let’s go back to Huskies. Huskies originate from the Chukchi, a nomadic Indian tribe from several thousands of years ago. They were trained to assist in hunting and pulling loads long distances through the Siberian Arctic, which was extremely cold. They were respected by their owners and treated them very well.
Why explain all of this? Well, it gives us insight as to why Huskies don’t bark very often. They grew up with a society where they helped their owners with labor tasks, rather than to be guard dogs or protect their owners (although, it doesn’t mean they didn’t do that).
Because of this, Huskies are a non-territorial breed, so they’re not going to bark as much as a German Shepherd, a Terrier, or a Pomeranian.
The Meaning Behind the Yap
If you’ve been to a dog park and seen a Husky barking at another dog, it’s not because they’re being aggressive towards them- especially if they’re wagging their tails, snorting, and scampering around them.
There are reasons that a Husky may be barking. Some of those reasons could be:
- They want to play: Commonly with other dogs, if they would like to play, barking is their invitation to their new friend.
- They want something: This is blatantly obvious, but hear me out. Huskies are a breed who if they want something from you, like wanting to go outside, a treat, or attention, they’re going to let you know. They most likely won’t be regular, loud barks- they’ll be quieter.
- Separation anxiety: If you’re gone for a long time, your Husky will get lonely or suffer from separation anxiety. A way to fix this is by entertaining your Husky and making sure they’re well distracted before you love.
- Lack of exercise: If a Husky isn’t being exercised enough, barking is a way for them to release some of their pent-up energy.
- Fear aggression: This is a bit more on the extreme side. When a dog that has deep, underlying fear, they kick into defensive behavior to eliminate the threat. Fear aggression most often occurs if the dog was treated inappropriately or inhumanely (like if you adopted a dog that previously belonged to an abusive owner).
Do Huskies Make Other Noises ?

Okay, so they don’t bark very often. Does that mean they’re completely quiet? Well, no. Even though Huskies don’t bark, they can still be a very noisy breed.
Howling: Oh, how Huskies love to howl. If you think you’re safe with getting a Husky because its barking won’t bother your neighbors, you’ve yet to hear him sing! Howling is a primitive trait in dogs, and since Huskies have been around for thousands of years, they do it.
Why they howl? One common reason for howling is because a Husky is bored. They are also likely to howl if they have some friends howling, too. Husky howls are very distinct in their pitches, and they can be heard by others for miles.
Whine/cry/bay: While a Husky howl is more deep-throated, their whines and cries are higher pitched and shorter in duration. Baying is similar to howling in they’re low, but baying is also shorter.
Why they whine/cry/bay? If a Husky does these things, it’s probably because they want something. Or it probably means you want it to do something it doesn’t want to do. Have you ever seen a YouTube video of a Husky being told to take a bath? Or get scolded by their owner? It’s like watching a two-year-old throwing a tantrum, albeit more composed and much more hilarious.
Huskies are incredibly vocal. If you live in an apartment complex or believe a Husky is quiet and won’t wake up you and your neighbors in the middle of the night, you have been warned!
Huskies Around Strangers
So, what about other people? What about friends and family who are meeting a Husky for the first time? Or strangers you pass by on the sidewalk during a walk?
The answer to that is also a ‘no, or at least very, very unlikely.” Huskies are super friendly with everyone they meet. It’s great if you often have guests over or take them out to places, but they would be lousy watchdogs.
A German Shepherd or a Chihuahua would warn you about someone breaking into your house; a Husky would wag his tail and ask for ear scratches.
Related Questions:
How can I reduce barking? The best way to eliminate a Husky’s barking is by eliminating the situations that may trigger barking. If you have a young Husky, teach them to bark less while they’re still young. Be aware, though, that you can’t completely eliminate barking. Huskies should be allowed to bark but in moderation.
Are there animals (besides dogs) that Huskies may bark at? Not only bark at- they might try and hunt! Remember that Huskies used to be hunting assistants- even several millennia later, this trait is still written in their personalities. Dogs are safe and Husky-friendly, but small animals like hamsters, cats, rabbits, and birds can become next on a Husky’s prey list.