Do Kittens Get More Affectionate With Age?

Some kittens are just less affectionate than other kittens. There isn’t always a clear reason for this, but it’s possible that this behavior may change as they get older.

Whether or not they get more or less affectionate depends on a lot of factors.

Do Kittens Get More Affectionate With Age?

Kittens may or may not get more affectionate with age, and it depends on how they are treated and shown affection as they grow and pass through the various stages of their kitten life. Affection is based on the individual kitten, how they are with their littermates, and the mother cat. 

Aside from that, kittens can get more or less affectionate with age, depending on who they are as a kitten.

Some cat breeds are less affectionate than others; some are more affectionate, like the Ragdoll kitten.

It also depends on the early interactions with others, meaning the people around them, and if they are shown love, human touch, and affection from an early age.

During the early days when a kitten is born, they need to be left with their mother and not touched by anyone so the mother cat doesn’t abandon them or become aggressive if they smell different due to human touch.

However, a few weeks after their birth, when they are much older, they must be held to learn to accept human touch and learn about affection.

If this is done properly, it can change the kitten’s behavior as they grow. 

The sooner they are shown love and affection, and if they show affection more often, they will learn to enjoy it and seek it out later in life.

Breeding does play a role in how affectionate a kitten or cat is throughout their lives. 

Some breeds are just less interested in sharing affection.  This type of behavior doesn’t mean they are any less loving; they choose not to be physical when it comes to showing and receiving love.

If a potential adopter is looking for a kitten that is more affectionate than others, it is important to know the breeding of the kitten they are welcoming into their home.

Choosing the right breed of cat and the right individual kitten can factor into how much affection they show later in life.  

If the adopter already has their kitten, there are ways to increase affection over time.

What are some ways kittens and adult cats show love and affection?

23610f44 c439 41d5 bef6 885bdce5e2f8 Do Kittens Get More Affectionate With Age?

Kittens and adult cats show love and affection by sitting on a lap and seeking to be picked up or held. Aside from that, they might come close for a quick pat on the head or rub against their owner’s leg.

Some kittens and cats will want to sleep with their loved ones, lying beside them or on top of them. 

They also might climb on their loved ones or treat them as if they were a couch and rest a head, paw, or tail on them.  

These are all ways a kitten or cat might show love and affection.

The possibilities are endless for how a kitten or adult cat shows affection and love to their family members. 

Some kittens and adult cats are not as affectionate and loving as others, and they may choose to show that affection in less obvious ways, like rubbing against the family members by meowing at them often and looking at them with adoring eyes.

These are gentle reminders that they appreciate their family and want to make this affection known in a way that honors who they are as a cat.

Depending on how closely the cat is bonded, this might happen more with one person and less with others. 

Kittens and adult cats can sometimes bond more with one family member than others, depending on who they are and their relationship with the family.

Affection might also happen at various times, depending on their mood. 

Cats are known for being moody at times.  They are independent, and many things in their environment can affect how a cat feels.

A kitten or cat might be stressed from their home environment or something that happened in their day, making a them less affectionate than usual.

Like humans, all animals, including kittens and cats, have emotions affected by things outside themselves.

Regardless of how affectionate they are with one person or for one moment, we must always respect the kitten or cat and their feelings.

Doing so creates a healthier and happier home life for everyone and can strengthen the bond.

In turn, this increases the likelihood that more affectionate moments will happen in the future.

How can I increase affection in my cat?

The best way to increase affection in your cat is to be respectful of them and who they are as a cat. 

 It is also important to show affection towards them, yourself.

Kittens and cats learn based on their home environment and what they are taught and shown. 

Therefore, if you show them affection, it increases the chance that they will reciprocate in the future.

You can begin by offering short bursts of added affection throughout the day in various ways. 

Taking quick moments to remind them how much you love them and include them in your life increases the bond between you and may make them more affectionate.

This can take time depending on how much affection they were shown before entering your life. Patience is a good quality to have, as kittens and cats, unlike dogs, are more independent and solitary and need to learn this behavior.

Most of the time, their thoughts and feelings are not based on the feelings of others.  

Cats don’t generally seek approval from someone outside themselves like a dog.

In some instances, certain cats may never be as affectionate as we hope, and this is related to who they are a cat, and can’t easily be changed. 

Like humans, some cats are physically affectionate with their love, and others are not.

This doesn’t mean that the cat is any less loving; it just chooses to display this love and affection differently.

Final Thoughts

Kittens can get affectionate with age, but it depends on many factors like their breeding and who they are as individuals.

There are ways to increase the affection they show, but it might not happen in some cases if they were not shown much physical touch at a very early age.

Respecting a kitten for who they are and finding ways to include them in your life is the best way to teach them about, show, and receive affection!