When Do Ragdoll Kittens’ Eyes Turn Blue?

Ragdoll cats have so many quirks that make them uniquely fun cats to have around.

Besides their tendency to ragdoll around the house, they are also known for their beautiful blue eyes. 

Not all Ragdoll kittens are born with blue eyes, but they will turn blue eventually.

When Do Ragdoll Kittens’ Eyes Turn Blue?

Ragdoll’s kittens’ eyes turn blue at about three months of age. The blue eyes they get will vary in intensity based on the individual kittens’ genetics. They start as newborn kittens with blue eyes, as all kittens have blue eyes.

Any of the coat patterns for this breed can wind up with blue eyes at about three months when their eye color has turned to what it will be as an adult.

Once they have reached this age, if an owner sees their ragdoll kittens’ eyes changing color, they should consult their veterinarian to ensure that nothing else is going on with the kitten.

There are rare instances where an eye condition known as heterochromia can cause their blue eyes to be light and dark, but both will be blue. 

This can also happen to ragdoll kittens who have other eye colors.

The condition does nothing more than prevent melanin from being sent to both eyes to give them color. 

One eye will appear lighter colored while the other will appear darker colored. 

It only affects cats that have some white in their fur.

When Do Ragdoll Kittens Eyes Turn Blue 1 <strong>When Do Ragdoll Kittens’ Eyes Turn Blue?</strong>

Do all Ragdoll kittens have blue eyes?

No, not all ragdoll kittens have blue eyes, but this depends on the fur coat pattern. 

The pointed pattern has blue eyes, but the mink pattern can have blue eyes or green or varying shades in between like aqua. 

Finally, the sepia pattern can have blue or green eye coloring, but it can also have brown, gold, or hazel.

Why does my Ragdoll kitten have green eyes?

Your Ragdoll kitten has green eyes because of their genetics as a mink or sepia pattern ragdoll kitten. 

While traditional pointed pattern ragdoll kittens have blue eyes, these two other fur coat patterns have other colors, including green.

You can tell which type of ragdoll kitten it is when they get old based on their fur coat as mink pattern kittens usually have softer, smoother, and thicker fur coats than the other the sepia pattern.

When can you tell the eye color of a Ragdoll kitten?

You can tell the eye color of a ragdoll kitten when they are about three months old. 

At this age, their eye color is developed into what they will have as an adult, and should something change long after this time with their eye color. They may need to be examined by their veterinarian.

What are the parts of the ragdoll kittens’ eyes?

There are five distinct parts of the ragdoll kittens’ eyes: the retina, lens, cornea, pupil, and iris. Their eyes may appear to be round, but their eyes are oval or almond-shaped.


The retina is located at the back of the kitten’s eye, and it is where pictures are formed like on a movie screen.


In the back of the pupil and the iris area, the lens helps a cat focus what it sees in its world onto the retina behind it for viewing and processing.


Like a glass window, we look through this part of the kitten’s eye, protect it, and allow images to get through the lens and eventually retina.


These two parts of the ragdoll kittens’ eyes are like ours, and they allow light and images in through the cornea that covers them and decreases or increase with too much or small light stress for a ragdoll kitten.

The pupil is the inner part of the iris, the color they are blessed with, blue or otherwise.

What are some common eye issues for a ragdoll cat?

A ragdoll cat can suffer various eye issues that include infections and allergies and other issues like ulcers of the cornea and glaucoma in felines which can be more serious.


The eyes of the ragdoll cat might seem swollen or inflamed, and there can be several types of discharge that come from the eyes.

Their third eyelid may be noticeable and irritated as well. Often the veterinarian will administer medication to treat the infection, so the symptoms eventually subside.


With allergies, the ragdoll cat will have watery eyes that have a discharge, and they might also appear to be sick or have a cold with sneezing and coughing present. 

The veterinarian will administer medications once they determine the cause of the allergy.

Ulcers of the Cornea

The eye’s cornea has many layers, and when these layers break down or are damaged. 

This happens for assorted reasons, and the reason will determine the type of treatment the veterinarian will choose. 

Sometimes surgery is required but can offer relief and better eye health afterward.

Glaucoma in Felines

Behind the eye’s lens, there is fluid that normally drains away; when it stops draining, this condition has occurred, and pressure is placed on the nerves of the eye. 

Symptoms are treated with medication, but this condition can’t be prevented or cured.

A ragdoll cat’s eyes can seem to ooze a discharge that may or may not smell or be colored in any of these eye conditions. 

They might squint as they try to deal with the problem.

The ragdoll cat might also blink more often than usual, look like they are winking at you, or attempt to use their paws to get something out of their eyes. 

Sometimes they will also keep one or both eyes closed because of the eye issue.

Final Thoughts

Blue eyes are extremely attractive and striking on a cat; unfortunately, not all cats have them when they grow into adult cats. 

Every kitten will have blue eyes at birth as their eyes lack melanin which brings color to the eyes at about three months of age.

Ragdoll kittens that have the traditional pointed pattern will end up having varying shades of blue as adult cats, but the other two patterns can have green, brown, gold, or hazel.

Whatever color a ragdoll cat ends up with as an adult, their eyes are complex, beautiful, and truly are the window to their mind!