Do Beagles Change Color?
I adopted my very first puppy, a Beagle, and he is so cute! The other day, I had someone tell me that some dogs change fur coat colors, which got me to thinking that maybe my Beagle might.
Beyond curious, I took to the internet to see what I could discover. Check out what I learned!
Do Beagles Change Color?
Yes, Beagles do change color throughout their whole lives. As puppies, they are either white or black, and brown begins to develop in black areas as well as other variations unique from one dog to the next, including in the same litter. Beagles’ coats coat will continue to brighten, fade or change in different ways with age.
The first time this color change happens for your Beagle, it may be a surprise, and it can be quite dramatic in the early months of the puppy phase.
Not only do the colors of the Beagle puppy’s fur change, but they might develop patchy shapes that eventually turn into the adorable adult Beagle we love so much.
The color change that comes later for the more mature puppy headed for their adult fur coat goes through a transition termed a “break,” after this maturity, their coat will continue to brighten, fade or change in different ways with age.
This process will continue to happen throughout their lives at different phases as they age.
As Beagles age, their fur will lose pigment, and the fur will lighten but also in some rare instances darken. There are many color combinations that this dog breed can have, each one unique and beautiful.
Black may later turn to brown, or even red, white might turn to a yellow color. Like we age and our hair turns grey or white, senior Beagles’ fur will usually fade, but there are some instances where a few Beagles do not go through this process.
Breeders of this dog breed can change the color on their registration papers a few times because of this transition that happens to the Beagle puppy.
While a natural internal process usually drives this change of color for a Beagle, there are a few instances where it is not. Some health conditions can cause the fur coat of a Beagle to change as one of its symptoms, and in some cases, too much sunlight can cause it to fade due to the loss of pigmentation.

Whatever the reason, the color change that occurs for this breed makes them no less adorable.
Beagles are one of a few dog breeds that have a unique fur coat that changes color. This color change is usually due to a loss of pigmentation that naturally seems to occur at various points in their dog life.
Health issues can drive it in some instances, but this is less common, with too much direct sunlight being another cause of fur color change for this breed.
Beagle puppies will usually start out their lives either black or white or both, and as they grow, they will have a dramatic color change during the early part of their puppy lives.
This change will bring with it new coloring and patchy shape that might form, which will eventually lead to the classical appearance that we all know and love as the Beagle.
As they approach the more mature puppy phase, they will go through another color change or “break” that has them growing into adulthood with their more mature adult fur coat of a slightly different color.
This change or “break’ will usually be less dramatic than the first one, but it certainly won’t be the last.
For Beagles, as they grow through the phases of life from adulthood into their senior days, they will continue to change colors. These color changes will be less dramatic and may have their coloring brightening or lightening or even darkening or fading.
The possibilities are nearly endless for how they will change and what they will look like when they do, as Beagles come in various colors.
At times they may look like a shapeshifter as they go from Brown to Red or White to Fawn or something else entirely.
Why Is My Beagle Changing Color?
Your Beagle is likely changing color due to a normal internal process that has them losing their pigmentation or darkening as they age. Each phase of your puppy or adult Beagle’s life will bring about changes, including sometimes dramatic changes in fur color changes.
In some rare instances, health conditions can be linked to a fur color change for a Beagle, but this is less common.
Hormone problems can be a common culprit, which will change their lovely color and the feel of their coat of fur.
They may also become heavier or obese and even have dry hair that falls out easier. These conditions need to be addressed with their veterinarian as the Beagle will need medication to keep them healthy, but thankfully, it is treatable.
Other health conditions can cause any dog to lose the pigment or color of their fur, but it depends on the dog’s health problem and physical attributes. This color change is a symptom of the underlying health condition, and sometimes when that is treated, the color may return, or the fading or darkening may stop.
Can I Stop My Beagle From Changing Color?
No, nothing will change the fact that your Beagle will change colors throughout its life. No diet, shampoo, or another unique trick will stop the clock or prevent this change from occurring as it is a normal body process that happens from within.
As long as they are seeing their veterinarian regularly to ensure that they are healthy, then there is no need to worry about the unique color changes of your Beagles coat.
Grab that video camera and make some great memories that you can reflect on later in life where your Beagle went from one color to another and another.

What Colors Could My Beagle Become?
According to the American Kennel Club, there are up to twenty-five colors of a Beagle. These colors are blends or shades that come from a total of ten colors, respectively, that can be blended together to make various combinations. This offers the gift of many variations and distinguishing physical appearance.
While Black and White are the beginning colors of the Beagle puppy, there is also Fawn, Brown, Tan.
There is also Blue, Bluetick, Red, and Redtick as well as Lemon, and a wide assortment of variations that can be a middle ground between one color and another.
These colors and the number of combinations is what is acceptable, according to the American Kennel Club. There is still the possibility for other blends or shades for dogs that are less than show quality.
These blends usually happen when the colors are slightly different such as Red being dusty Red versus bright Red and so on.
Aside from these color combinations, there are six distinct markings that Beagles have.
What Markings Do Beagles Have?
Markings on a Beagle are marks that can be found on the Beagles’ coat of fur; they might be freckles or ticks or even spots that mark the dog’s appearance. They relate to how the colors and different shades appear on the dog’s body and are noted as White markings, Black markings, tan markings, Brown markings, spotted and ticked.
These provide the characteristic appearance many of us know them to have. Markings will be different for every dog, even in the same litter of puppies as each Beagle is a unique individual dog.
Should I Consider Fur Color When Choosing A Beagle?
Coloring is not necessarily important in choosing a Beagle unless the potential pet parent makes it so. When it comes to show-worthy Beagles, they are equal in the show ring. No color is better or worse, for that matter, than another.
An interesting factor to consider about a Beagle, which is a hound that was bred for hunting, is that its wide variety of colors and color schemes is how beneficial it is for hunting.
Hunters visit various terrain when engaging in their sport. These diverse terrain change color with the seasons. Having so many colors to choose from in a hunting dog can be beneficial as they can blend in easier with the terrain.
For those who don’t hunt, the various colors and color schemes offer many dogs to choose from if that is the pet parents’ concern.
Beagle Fur Color
While it may seem odd to have dog fur that changes colors at various points in life, the Beagle is a breed that was gifted with this attribute.
This surprising but perfectly normal body process can offer us a whole new dog to look at from time to time without even doing anything with numerous colors and combinations.
Thankfully, that adorable face is so hard to resist that this surprise occurrence is quickly forgotten as we look into their pleading and loveable eyes and forget all about it!