How Big Do Corgi Puppies Get? A Corgi Size And Weight Guide
Corgis are a charming and short-legged breed of dog from Wales. Although this breed is medium-sized, dog parents may be wondering how big Corgi puppies get. If you have adopted a cute little Corgi pup, you may be having a lot of fun finding out how to take care of them. That means understanding the weight and size of Corgis so that you can meet their nutritional, exercise, and other needs.
How big will my Corgi get?
Your Corgi will grow to be about 10 to 12 inches tall and will weigh anywhere between 23 to 30 pounds when fully matured, depending on whether it’s male or female. This is when they are about one year of age, though some puppies may achieve their full size when they are two or three years of age.
As a Corgi owner, I understand that owning a Corgi puppy can be equal parts exciting and nerve-wracking. This guide can help you find how big your Corgi puppies will grow, at what age they will stop growing, why your Corgi is growing too fast or too slow, and why it is unable to achieve its full size and weight.
As a person who has gone through all these concerns when raising my Corgi, I have been posed a lot of questions on how to raise a puppy by many people I know. That’s why I decided to write this guide for every one of your Corgi parents.
I have also referenced credible sites like the American Kennel Club for better authority.
How Big Do Corgis Get?
Corgis are a breed of low-height, medium-sized dogs. Originally, the Corgis were herding dogs since they are quick and light on their feet and very intelligent.
Corgi dogs come in two different varieties: the Pembroke and the Cardigan.
Pembroke Welsh Corgis are what you call “chondrodysplastic.” They are characterized by slightly bowed limbs and are slightly longer than they are tall, though not in an extreme way. These Corgis grow to be about 10 to 12 inches tall and weigh 26 to 28 pounds if they are male and 24 to 26 pounds if they are female when they reach adulthood.
That means they may achieve their full height and weight when they are anywhere between 1 and 3 years of age.
Pembroke Corgis also do not have tails at birth, or their tails are docked when they are just 2 or 3 days old.
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is slightly larger than the Pembroke variety. These dogs can grow to be about 12 inches tall and can weigh anywhere between 26 to 34 pounds.
Size and Weight of Corgi Puppies
When Corgi puppies are one month old, they may reach a weight of anywhere between 4 to 7 pounds. At eight weeks old, they are about 7 to 10 pounds and have a height of 4 to 6 inches. At three months, your Corgi puppy will weigh about 9 to 13 pounds and have a height of about 5 to 7 inches.
At six months old, the puppy will reach a weight of about 17 to 22 pounds and have a height of 7 to 8 inches.
A 9-month-old Corgi will weigh between 18 to 22 pounds and a height of 9 to 10 inches.
Size and Weight of Adult Corgis
Although most Corgis are considered adults at the age of 1, they will continue to fill out until they are 2 to 3 years of age. At one year old, your Corgi will weigh about 20 to 30 pounds and will have achieved a height of 10 to 12 inches. At two years old, a Corgi will be around 22 to 31 pounds but will typically not grow more than 12 inches.
At What Age Will My Corgi Stop Growing?
Typically, a Corgi will stop growing after it reaches one year of age. However, it is not uncommon to see Corgis that continue to grow till it is two years old and sometimes even three years old. That’s because all Corgis have different growth rates, and some of them may mature slower than others.
Your Corgi may achieve its full height at the age of 1, but most pet owners will notice that the pooch will have a lanky appearance at that age. That means that even though it has reached its full height, it still needs some time to fill out.
Over the next 1 or 2 years, your Corgi will continue to gain more weight and get a stocky appearance. You may also notice that your Corgi may gain slightly more weight in later years, which is normal as well.
Take a look at your Corgi’s paws to determine whether it has stopped growing. If its paws appear disproportionately oversized as compared to the rest of its body, then it still has some growing to do.
However, if you are thinking about their mental age, your Corgi will remain in its puppy phase for about two years. Sometimes, spaying or neutering may also affect how they behave, but in most cases, Corgis will remain boisterous for a few years.
If you want to know the exact size your Corgi will achieve, it is also a good idea to contact its breeder for a specific estimate. A breeder is most equipped to give you the right idea of the Corgi’s weight and size based on the weight and size of the pup’s parents and past litters.
A Corgi will not typically grow larger than its parents, so it should also give you a good idea of its maximum weight.
Risks of Growing Too Fast or Too Slow for Corgis

If you notice your Corgi puppy growing too fast or too slowly, there might be many causes. Sometimes, the cause can be genetic, but other times, it could be problems related to nutrition and eating habits. To ensure your Corgi grows at the right pace, you should take care of its dietary requirements.
Health Issues Related to Corgis Growing Too Quickly
There are numerous reasons why your Corgi may be bigger than it should be at a certain age.
Osteochondrosis: Although this condition typically occurs in large dogs, it is not uncommon to see it develop in smaller dogs as well that are growing too quickly. In this condition, some joints do not turn to the bone but remain cartilage, which can turn into flap tissue.
Hip Dysplasia: This is a common condition in dogs characterized by the hip joints and bones rubbing together. However, the condition may not be detected for several years. It is a good idea to get your Corgi tested beforehand to determine if it is susceptible to developing this health disorder.
Abnormal Skeleton: Certain birth defects can result in your Corgi growing abnormally, particularly conditions related to the puppy’s skeleton. This is why you should always get your puppy for a wellness checkup by a qualified vet.
Health Issues Related to Corgis Growing Too Slowly
Malnutrition and certain health conditions can result in stunted growth for your Corgi.
Poor Diet: If you are feeding your Corgi too little or not giving it the proper amount of nutrition it needs to grow, it will certainly impact its growth. Some signs of malnutrition are issues with bowel movement, bad breath, and a brittle coat.
Parasites: Parasites in the stomach like tapeworms and roundworms can absorb the food meant for your pooch and result in malnutrition. This can cause stomach aches, bloating, and slow growth.
Portosystemic Shunt: Your Corgi may also be affected by a birth defect known as a liver shunt. This can adversely affect your puppy’s growth.