Are Rottweiler Puppies Good with Kids? (Explained!)
Rottweilers have some not-so complimentary stories attached to their tails about instances where their breed has lashed out at people or other animals and caused problems that have affected all others in their breed to follow. Is this stereotype true for all rottweilers?
Rottweiler puppies can be good with kids assuming the rottweiler is properly socialized and trained to be around kids. Additionally, your children need to be taught the right way to approach and care for a dog of any breed.
There are many qualities found in rottweiler that are both attractive and unattractive to families with kids. Knowing these is essential before bringing home a rottweiler puppy.
Rottweiler Puppies and Kids
For the most part, rottweilers are no better or worse for kids than other breeds of dogs their size. Like mentioned above, how a rottweiler acts with kids depends very heavily on how their owner trains them.
Rottweilers are not typically social with strangers or others that they do not recognize. However, they become very attached to their families.
A bonus in bringing home a rottweiler as a puppy is that chances are they have not had too many other homes to compare to. This is a positive thing because, if they come from a home that does not have children, they will likely be confused. Older rottweilers may not know how to react to these new-sized humans.
If this is their first home and there are children there, rottweilers will not know anything else besides. They will always know life with children, therefore having an easier time getting used to the child’s behaviors.
Qualities of Rottweiler Puppies that Do Well with Kids
There are lots of reasons why rottweiler puppies do very well with kids. With any puppy, small children should be monitored when around them, but rottweilers do have a lot of super great redeeming qualities when it comes to children.
Rottweilers are extremely loyal dogs. Loyalty is one of their best traits. This is what made them such amazing partners throughout wars and what continues to make them great service, therapy, and police dogs. You’ll be happy to know these traits have carried over. They will be loyal to their family.
They will also protect this family. There are many examples out there of rottweilers who have steered children away from the road or kept them inside yard boundaries to keep them safe. Their loyalty and protectiveness qualify them in so many ways to be good for children.
Here is some video evidence:
This breed of dog is also an intelligent breed. This goes right along with their loyalty and protectiveness. If they have been taught, they will remember what is okay and not okay to do around or with children.
Rottweilers have pretty sturdy and built bodies. They are muscular dogs and this prevents children from injuring them. Rottweilers are able to withstand hugging or children running into them.
Even though they are very muscular, they take a long time to reach full-grown. They are slow-growing dog breed, become full-grown at around 2 years. This keeps them a little bit smaller for longer than other large breeds.
This trait is important because especially as puppies, Rottweilers are extremely playful dogs. They will love to play with anyone who gives them attention. Kids seem to have an unending supply of energy, so that is perfect for a rottweiler who will also play all day if he or she can.
Rottweilers love to be around their family. They get anxious when they are alone for too long. This is a positive quality because that means they will not get sick of kids who want to play for long periods of time.
Qualities of Rottweiler Puppies that Do Not Do Well with Kids
Some of the qualities listed as positive can easily turn to negative if the rottweiler is not properly trained or if the child is left unsupervised with the puppy.
Like mentioned earlier, Rottweilers are extremely loyal dogs. Sometimes this loyalty can be channeled or directed to a single person.
If this happens to be the mother or father of the house and a child were to act out toward that person, the rottweiler might go into defense mode. They will innocently think that the person they are loyal to is in danger and in need of their help.
They might retaliate in a way they may think is appropriate and attack the child.
Their traits of protection sometimes show themselves as aggression or violence. If they get fired up they might attack and harm a child.
Their size can also be a negative trait if not properly trained, both intentionally, and not intentionally. Again, if rottweilers get fired up or excited they might lash out run into a child. If they do this they can easily trample over a small human.
Sometimes, if they are just walking around and a child is in the way and they did not know they might accidentally knock over the child. Again, this is due to their size. It should be noted that this is common in most dogs.
Rottweilers have a very highly developed “prey drive.” Basically, this means if they sense prey, they attack. If they do not associate children as human members of their family, their prey drive might kick in.
It is common and even easy for rottweilers to not classify children as humans. They move quicker and have higher-pitched voices. They are also much smaller than adults and so they look a lot different from dogs.
Rottweilers need to be socialized around kids to eliminate these negative qualities.

How to Train Your Rottweiler Puppy to be Good with Kids
Socialization is the single most important thing you could do for your rottweiler. Rottweilers are not used to, nor do they naturally like children, pets, or strangers they do not already know.
If you can master socializing, your rottweiler then most problems that you hear about aggression or violence will solve themselves. This will also help them to be great dogs to be around children.
The best way to socialize your dog is to have him or her be around kids. To know how to behave around kids, they need to be raised around kids. Rottweilers need to have rules, so they know what is and is not okay for them to do.
Monitor visits they have with children. Play with your child and rottweiler together. Make your child or children just as much a part of your rottweiler’s life as he or she is a part of yours.
Don’t just socialize your rottweiler to be good with kids, but also train him or her to cooperate around other animals. Take your rottweiler to the dog park at least two times a week so he or she can be used to being around other dogs.
Invite visitors into your home often so that your rottweiler will not only get used to your child but to all children.
If you can get your rottweiler to associate your children as part of the family that they need to protect they will love and protect them as their own.
If rottweilers are not socialized with kids they may see them as prey. However, if they are socialized they will make a great addition to every family.
Adult Rottweilers and kids
If you bring home an adult rottweiler that has not been raised in a home with children, you will want to make socialization to those children a high priority. At that age, you may even consider seeking professional help. It is much harder to socialize rottweilers who have gone their whole life without living around children.
It is not impossible but much more difficult than it is with puppies. Sometimes the situation cannot be avoided and you have to bring home an adult rottweiler. Don’t give up, they still can make great playmates for your children eventually.
Rottweilers that are raised in a home with children do great with kids. They protect them like their own children.
Adult dogs are much calmer and less energetic than puppies. They still have very muscular bodies and can withstand children playing, running and hugging.
It may seem like a lot of work when your rottweiler is a puppy, but it is a whole lot easier to socialize your rottweiler when he or she is a puppy. The socialization will be so worth it when your child has found a new best friend in your rottweiler.