The Ultimate Guide To Giving Your Cat Amoxicillin

Bacterial infections are a risk for cats as well. If your cat is feeling sick, pet owners may be wondering if their cat can take amoxicillin. Your cat may suffer from all sorts of infections, including respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, or skin infections. Most cat owners are wary of giving their pet allopathic medicine. However, medicine prescribed by a qualified vet is an effective way to ensure your feline friend is well again.

Giving Your Cat Amoxicillin 1 The Ultimate Guide To Giving Your Cat Amoxicillin

Can you give a cat amoxicillin?

Many vets prescribe amoxicillin to cats who are suffering from certain types of bacterial infections. Amoxicillin is safe for cats if it is given in prescribed doses and is every bit as effective on cats as it is on humans. However, you should never give your cat a human dosage of amoxicillin.

I can help you find out whether amoxicillin is safe for cats when it should be used for cats, its correct dosage, and its potential side effects.

As a parent to four cats myself, I have seen all of them get ill at one time or another and have treated them with prescribed amoxicillin without it resulting in any serious side effects for any of them.

What is Amoxicillin?

Amoxicillin is a penicillin antibiotic that is used to treat various kinds of bacterial infections in both humans and animals.

The medicine stops the multiplication of bacteria and is prescribed for common infections like upper respiratory tract infections, ear infections, urinary tract infections, and skin infections.

Is Amoxicillin Safe For Cats?

Fortunately, amoxicillin is safe for cats and is prescribed by vets all over the world. Amoxicillin for cats is the same as what is prescribed to humans, but it has a different potency and is given in different doses to cats.

Of course, your cat will also need to be tested for bacterial infection before amoxicillin can be used on it. Plus, you will also need to ensure it doesn’t have a penicillin allergy.

When Should Amoxicillin Be Given to Cats?

Giving Your Cat Amoxicillin 1 1 The Ultimate Guide To Giving Your Cat Amoxicillin

Amoxicillin should be given to cats to fight various bacterial infections, including:

Respiratory Tract Infections

Amoxicillin is the first-line medicine for respiratory tract infections in cats. Your cat can easily contract respiratory infections that affect the throat and nose of their other feline friends.

Some symptoms of respiratory tract infections include nasal congestion, sneezing, oral or nasal discharge (either clear or containing pus), swollen lymph nodes, fever, watery eyes, conjunctivitis, and squinting.

Amoxicillin kills bacteria, and once the bacteria are gone, it will get rid of all symptoms of the sickness.

However, it is important not to self-medicate. If you suspect your cat has upper respiratory tract infections, you need to get it to a vet who will determine whether amoxicillin is a good choice of treatment for the cat.

Urinary Tract Infections

One of the most common ailments that cats suffer from is urinary tract infection. This infection is quite painful and can make it difficult for the animal to expel the excess water from its body. 

Worse, if they are not treated effectively, the infection can spread to the kidney, which is not just very painful for the cat but can result in a medical emergency for your furry friend.

If you notice your cat is having trouble urinating, you need to take her to a vet who might prescribe her amoxicillin to stop the infection from spreading.

Since penicillin is very effective, your cat will start feeling better in just one or two days, but it is important that you complete the entire course.


Your cat may develop an abscess if it gets into a fight with another animal and gets an open wound, which then becomes infected.

Abscesses are often seen as a lump beneath the skin and cause a lot of pain when they are touched. If these abscesses are not treated in time, the wound will fester, and the infection will spread throughout the bloodstream. Sepsis can cause your cat to become extremely ill and even die in severe cases.

Your cat may also have a tooth abscess if one or more of its teeth get infected. When this happens, your cat will develop bad breath, and if you look at the affected area closely, you might see pus draining out of a fistula. This is the reason why dental care is as important for your animal as overall health care.

Make sure you take your pet to the vet in time so that they may treat it effectively.

Other Infections

Amoxicillin is also an effective treatment against eye infections like conjunctivitis and skin infections. 

In some cases, it can also be used to treat gastrointestinal infections; however, it is not useful for parasitic infections like tapeworms and roundworms.

For infections like tapeworm, your vet will give your cat a dewormer. Depending on the condition of your cat, your vet may also prescribe amoxicillin to treat any secondary infections.

What is the Correct Dosage of Amoxicillin for Cats?

To ensure your cat is free from infection, you need to give it amoxicillin in the right amount and at the right time.


In most cases, your cat will need 5 mg of amoxicillin per pound each day. The maximum dose your cat will get is 50mg, no matter what size it is. For example, a 7-pound cat will need 35 mg of amoxicillin every day.

The length of time your cat will need to take medicine depends on various factors, including the type of infection it has, and your vet will be best able to prescribe the correct amount for your feline.

Do not give your cat any penicillin if the infection is not bacterial or if it is allergic to penicillin.


It is crucial that you follow the exact timetable prescribed by the doctor for the entire duration the cat has to take penicillin.

Even if your cat’s symptoms have disappeared, do not stop giving your cat the proper dose until the end date, or else you might be putting your furry friend’s health in peril.

Do Not Self-Prescribe

If you notice that your cat has an infection that has the same symptoms as the previous time it was sick, you should not try to give it amoxicillin just because you did so previously as well. It is crucial to consult a vet every time your cat is sick.

The sickness may not be a bacterial infection at all and so amoxicillin might do your cat more harm than good.

Also, never try to dose your cat with amoxicillin made for humans. It is not the same as amoxicillin made for cats.

What are the Possible Side Effects of Amoxicillin for Cats?

Typically, any side effects from penicillin are typically mild and do not frequently occur (unless your cat has developed an allergy); however, some cats may experience upset stomach, diarrhea, and a decrease in appetite.

This is because amoxicillin changes the natural microbiome in the guts, leading to digestive illnesses.

To minimize these effects, make sure to give your cat amoxicillin around meal times. If the side effects are severe or continuous, it is important to seek further advice from the vet.

They may prescribe a probiotic alongside the antibiotic rather than discontinuing amoxicillin to ensure the infection is treated effectively.

Rarely, cats may experience severe allergic reactions to amoxicillin which include hives, rashes, fever, and changes in the count of red and white blood cells.

These reactions can occur even with small doses, so keep an eye out for your cat’s behavior after administering a dose.

With the right precautions, your cat will be free of its bacterial infection in no time and becomes its healthy and happy self again.

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