Corn Snake Vs. Copperhead: 10 Key Differences Explained!
Copperhead and Corn Snakes both have beautiful color patterns and prove to be great pets. Let’s look at the main differing factors among the two breeds. As corn snakes and copperhead snakes are quite common in North America, it’s not surprising that people are often confused about the variations among the two breeds.

What’s the difference between a corn snake and a Copperhead?
Corn snakes are native to the southeastern areas of the United States, while copperhead snakes are native to the eastern and central United States. Corn snakes are much more docile than copperhead snakes. A corn snake‘s snout is much narrower than a copperhead’s, too.
Along with the difference between the two species, I have also listed some similarities between them as well. If you are considering petting one or both a Corn Snake and a Copperhead, you can find some useful tips for handling them here as well.
All the information I have included in this article is extracted from highly credible sources.
Corn Snake Versus Copperhead: Key Differences Explained!
As corn snakes and copperhead snakes are quite common in North America, it’s not surprising that people are often confused about the varying elements between the species.
To help clear things up, let’s get into more detailed differences between corn snakes and copperhead snakes:
There are two main types of corn snakes – the red corn snake and the yellow corn snake. The red corn snake is the more common type and is typically what people think of when they think of a corn snake. The yellow corn snake is less common but is still a beautiful snake in its own right.
The copperhead snake is a venomous snake that is found in North America. It is usually brown or reddish-brown in color, with a distinct copper-colored head. Copperhead snakes can be dangerous to humans if they are not treated with caution and respect.
Another difference between the species can be found in the patterns on their skin. Corn snakes usually have blotchy brown or reddish brown patterns, while copperheads typically have dark brown or black cross-shaped bands. These bands help to camouflage the snakes in their respective habitats.
Though corn snakes and copperhead snakes are venomous, their venom is different. Corn snakes’ venom is less toxic, while copperhead snakes’ venom is more toxic.
This difference in toxicity is due to the different compositions of the two venoms. Corn snake venom contains mostly enzymes, while copperhead snake venom contains mostly proteins. Enzymes are not as harmful to humans as proteins, which is why corn snake venom is less dangerous to us.
In fact, corn snake bites are often painless and cause only minor swelling. Copperhead bites, on the other hand, can be quite painful and cause more serious reactions, such as tissue damage and bleeding. So if you’re ever bitten by a snake, it’s important to know which kind it was!
The average corn snake grows to be about 3-4 feet long, while the average copperhead snake grows to be about 2-3 feet long.
Corn snakes are also thinner than copperhead snakes. Because of their smaller size, copperhead snakes can more easily hide in tight spaces and under rocks or leaves. They are also excellent swimmers. Corn snakes are most active during the day, while copperhead snakes are mostly active at night.
This is likely because the temperature is cooler at night, and copperhead snakes prefer cooler temperatures. Copperhead snakes will also bask in the sun to regulate their body temperature. Corn snakes, on the other hand, are better able to tolerate higher temperatures. Corn snakes typically live in dryer habitats, such as forests and fields. Copperhead snakes prefer wetter habitats, such as swamps and marshes.
This is likely because corn snakes need less moisture than copperhead snakes. Corn snakes will also sometimes enter human dwellings, whereas copperhead snakes prefer to stay away.
It is interesting to note the different habitats of corn snakes and copperhead snakes. Corn snakes are native to the southeastern parts of The United States, while copperhead snakes are native to the eastern and central United States.
Corn snakes prefer open areas with plenty of hiding places, such as forests or fields. Copperhead snakes, on the other hand, prefer wooded areas with lots of debris or tall grasses.
This difference in habitat preference is likely due to the different diets of these two breeds of snakes. Corn snakes are primarily carnivorous, while copperhead snakes are omnivorous. This means that corn snakes need more open space to hunt for their food, while copperhead snakes can find food more easily in a wooded area.

One of the most noticeable factors between the two breeds is their diet. Corn snakes are mostly herbivorous, while copperhead snakes are strictly carnivorous.
This difference in diet is due to the different habitats that the two breeds of snakes live in. Corn snakes are commonly found in fields and forests, where there is an abundance of plant life. Copperhead snakes, on the other hand, are typically found in rocky areas and deserts, where there is very little plant life.
Consequently, corn snakes have evolved to be able to digest plant matter, while copperhead snakes have not. This difference in diet can have a significant impact on the health of these two breeds of snakes. For example, corn snakes that do not get enough protein in their diet can become sick and even die.
Copperhead snakes, on the other hand, will typically only get sick if they eat something that they cannot digest, such as a plant. Overall, diet between corn snakes and copperhead snakes differs due to the different habitats that the two breeds of snakes live in.
One of the most noticeable differences between a corn snake and a copperhead snake is their snout.
A corn snake’s snout is much narrower than a copperhead’s, and its nostrils are located more toward the tip of its snout. This difference in morphology is due to the different environments that these two snakes inhabit.
Corn snakes are often found in open fields and forest edges, while copperheads tend to stick to denser wooded areas. This difference in habitat results in different hunting strategies, with corn snakes relying more on vision to locate prey and copperheads relying on their sense of smell.
When you think of snakes, the first thing that might come to mind is a slithering, scaly creature that is dangerous and to is avoided.
But not all snakes are created equal. In fact, there are many different species of snakes, each with its own unique behaviors and habits. Take, for example, the corn snake and the copperhead snake. Though both are members of the serpent family, they couldn’t be more different with regards to their behavior.
Corn snakes are considered to be much more docile than copperhead snakes. They’re also less likely to bite, even when they feel threatened.
Corn snakes will usually try to retreat or hide before resorting to violence. Copperhead snakes, on the other hand, are more aggressive and are quick to strike when they feel threatened. They’re also more likely to bite, and their bites can be quite painful.
With regards to habitat, corn snakes and copperhead snakes also differ quite a bit. Corn snakes can usually be found in fields and forests, while copperhead snakes prefer to live in rocky areas or near water sources.
This difference in habitat can also affect their behavior. Corn snakes are more likely to be active during the day since they prefer to bask in the sunlight. Copperhead snakes, on the other hand, are mostly nocturnal creatures that come out at night to hunt for food.
A corn snake’s attack is swift and deadly. It will quickly strike at its prey with its sharp teeth, injecting venom that will Paralyze the victim.
Once the prey is immobilized, the corn snake will constrict it, crushing the victim’s internal organs and suffocating it. If a corn snake is threatened by a predator, it will try to intimidate the attacker by coiling up and rattling its tail.
If that doesn’t work, it will bite and inject venom. The corn snake’s bites are not usually fatal to humans, but they can be painful.
When a copperhead snake feels threatened, it will often coil up and strike at its attacker. It can also strike when it is hunting for food.
The snake’s venomous bite can kill small prey or predators. If the predator is larger, the venom can still cause serious injury. The Copperhead will usually only bite if it feels threatened or if it is trying to catch food.
Corn Snake Versus Copperhead: Similarities
Corn snakes and copperheads are both members of the snake family Colubridae. They share many similarities.
Corn snakes are native to southeastern U.S, while copperheads are native to the eastern and central United States. Both snakes prefer habitats that offer plenty of places to hide, such as forests or rocky areas.
Corn snakes and copperheads are both opportunistic feeders, meaning they prey on anything that is available. Tiny mammals like mice and rats, make up the majority of their diet. Corn snakes can also feed on other small animals such as birds, amphibians – other snakes can also be on their menu.
Corn snakes and copperheads are venomous, but their venom is not considered dangerous to humans.
A bite from either of these snakes will cause pain and swelling but is not likely to be fatal.
Corn snakes and copperheads are both popular pets among snake enthusiasts. They are relatively easy to take care of and can be handled with minimal risk of being bitten.
With regard to caring for a corn snake, you should be mindful of a few factors. First and foremost, corn snakes are reptiles, so they require a warm environment. This means you’ll need to provide your corn snake with a heated enclosure. You can do this by using a reptile heating pad or a basking lamp.
Corn snakes also require hiding spots in their enclosure. This could be something as simple as an upturned cardboard box or a piece of driftwood.
Hiding spots give your corn snake a place to feel safe and secure.
It’s also important to provide your corn snake with fresh water every day. A water bowl that’s big enough for your corn snake to soak in is ideal. It would be ideal if you also misted your corn snake’s enclosure with water a few times a week to help keep the humidity levels up.
Last but not least, you’ll need to feed your corn snake live prey. This could be mice, rats, or other small rodents. You can purchase live prey from your local pet store.
By following these simple guidelines, you can provide your corn snake with everything it needs to thrive.
Copper snakes are a popular choice for pet owners due to their docile nature and beautiful colors.
When caring for a copper snake, it’s vital to provide them with a suitable habitat that includes a hide box, branches or rocks for climbing, and fresh water. Copper snakes should ideally be fed live mice or insects.
It is also important to handle your copper snake regularly so that they become accustomed to human interaction.
By providing proper care, you can enjoy many years of companionship with your new pet snake.
History and Key Facts
The Copper Snake is a venomous snake species native to North America. It is not only among the most common snakes found in the United States but responsible for more snake bites than any other snake in the country.
The Copperhead is a member of the viper family and gets its name from the copper-colored head. The snake is usually between two and three feet long but can grow up to five feet.
The Copperhead has a triangular head, slit eyes, and pits between the eye and nostril on each side of the head. These heat-sensing pits allow the snake to locate prey and strike with great accuracy, even in total darkness. The body of the Copperhead is brown or reddish-brown with dark crossbands that are wider in the middle and narrower on the sides. The belly is white with black spots.
The Copperhead is found in wooded areas, swamps, and rocky hillsides from southern Canada to northern Mexico.
In the United States, it is found east of the Rocky Mountains from Minnesota to Texas and south to Florida. The snake is active from April to October and hibernates during the winter months.
The Copperhead is a nocturnal snake and is most active at night. It is a slow-moving snake and often lies motionless for long periods, waiting for prey to come within striking distance. The snake’s diet consists of rodents, lizards, frogs, and birds.
The Copperhead mates in the spring and gives birth to live young in the summer. A litter of two to twelve young is born. The young are about eight inches long at birth and are venomous from the start.
The Copperhead is considered dangerous to humans, but its bite is not usually fatal. However, the venom can cause swelling, pain, and tissue damage. If you are bitten by a Copperhead, seek medical attention immediately.
The corn snake is a popular pet snake in the United States. It is a member of the rat snake family and is closely related to the kingsnake and milk snake. Corn snakes are non-venomous – known to be passive animals.
They are typically docile snakes that make great pets for first-time snake owners.
Corn snakes are native to the southeastern parts of the U.S. They get their name from their habit of eating corn kernels, which are a major food source for these snakes in the wild. Corn snakes are excellent climbers and often climb trees in search of food or shelter.
Corn snakes have various shades and designs. Their usual colors are orange, red, and yellow – some have been also been found in brown, black, and white tones. These snakes can reach up to 6 feet in length, but most corn snakes are between 3 and 4 feet long.
Corn snakes are often docile creatures Owning to their nature, they are easy to handle pets for newbies. They do not require a lot of special equipment or housing – as simple as it can get. If you’re making up your mind about keeping a corn snake as your pet, it is advisable that you research to make sure that this is the right type of snake for you.