Cocker Spaniel: At What Age Is A Cocker Spaniel Fully Grown? (Answered!)
My daughter and her husband just got a cocker spaniel puppy for their family. They have a large family with multiple children, one being a toddler. My husband and I are curious about when the cocker spaniel will be fully grown. We hope to care for her when they go away on vacation but are not sure we want to deal with a puppy. We want to know at what age a cocker spaniel is fully grown.
My husband decided to do a little research on his own, and here is what he uncovered about their new fur baby.
What age is a cocker spaniel fully grown?
A cocker spaniel is fully developed by the time they reach twenty-four months old. Growth happens in stages from puppyhood to adulthood, as they reach various physical, mental, and emotional markers like children do.
Each step of growth from puppy to adult and senior will bring new skills and challenges. They reach their full height and weight at an earlier age, then they do their full potential mentally, emotionally, and behaviorally.
If a potential owner is up for all the stages of development, the twenty-four months will seem easy and enjoyable.
What are the stages of growth for a cocker spaniel until they are fully grown?
Like humans, cocker spaniel puppies will go through stages of growth at specific set periods. These set times are only a guideline since every dog is unique.
The newborn phase for a cocker spaniel puppy is approximately the first two weeks of life. During this phase of life, puppies expel all their energy into their growth, sleeping most of the time.
At approximately two to four weeks, you have a transitional time. Their eyes and ears open, and they begin to stand up. Teeth pop out, and they learn to move away from mom to use the bathroom.
At four to twelve weeks, they begin to socialize with others and readily accept those in their world as friends and family. Mental development grows, and they begin to need more nutrition than mom can give them from her milk alone.
This time is when some breeders will begin to adopt them out, but this isn’t always the case. At this point, most of the cocker spaniel puppy’s growth has already happened, but there is still a great deal to do.
Up until the sixteenth week of life, a cocker spaniel puppy will develop sexually and have a great curiosity about the world around them. They will have boundless energy and appear to get into everything in sight.
Between four and six months, you will find pups getting into fights with each other, testing boundaries, and sometimes displaying fear, aggression, and territorial issues. These are perfectly healthy behaviors at this stage of puppyhood and nothing of concern.
The six to twelve-month phase for a cocker spaniel will still riddle with emotional immaturities, like adolescence. Females may go into heat for the first time. At this time, the pup will likely grow to their full height potential. Energy levels are high and geared towards socializing and testing boundaries.
From twelve to twenty-four months, the cocker spaniel puppy will mature. They will finish, and physical growth that they have not done in prior phases will also develop emotionally and mentally.
The cocker spaniel will reach their full height potential by the time they are twelve months of age. They will reach their full weight potential by the time they are twenty-four months old. These numbers are just a guide. Dogs develop slightly differently within each breed.
This development is based on their ancestral lineage and their environment. Food, exercise, stress, and health all factor into how much and when the dog develops.
By the time the two years are over, your cocker spaniel will be fully grown, what an experience this has been for you and them, way to go!
Throughout this time of physical development, a cocker spaniel owner will also see other changes as they grow inside. This inside growth will be mental and emotional development as well as behavioral.
How much does a cocker spaniel weigh when they are fully grown?
The female cocker spaniel can weigh approximately 26-33 lbs at full growth. The male can weigh around 29-35 lbs.
How tall is the cocker spaniel when they are fully grown?
The female cocker spaniel can reach a height of about 14-16 inches, while the male can reach 15-17 inches at full growth.
Does diet affect how fast or slow the cocker spaniel reaches its full growth potential?
Yes, diet can affect how fast or slow a cocker spaniel reaches its full growth. Like humans, feeding the cocker spaniel one too many cheeseburgers or dog treats can harm their health and growth.
These snacks are not so much of an issue for an adult cocker spaniel but very important for a puppy.
When a cocker spaniel goes through the growth stages of puppyhood, they need lots of nutritious food. Foods that are not nutrient-dense and healthy for them can affect how well they develop and how fast or slow they develop.
The best way to determine which food is best for them is to talk to their veterinarian. They can help cocker spaniel dog owners select the best diet for growth, development, and health at every puppy stage.
Can exercise enhance their health, helping them reach their full growth faster?
Yes, like diet, exercise is a critical component in overall health for every dog. The cocker spaniel puppy will thrive with lots of playtime, activity, and fun.
Training should be gentle to their developing bones, joints, and muscles. They can suffer injuries easier in these early stages of development, so care must be taken.

Physical and mental activity and exercise can stimulate their minds and bodies and aid in development. Without adequate exercise, the cocker spaniel puppy can become obese if offered too much or the wrong foods.
A proper balance of food, exercise, and fun will help create a healthy and robust cocker spaniel.
Is there anything that will prevent them from reaching their full growth?
As stated above, improper diet and exercise can slow down the growth process for a cocker spaniel. Health issues can also slow down the growth rate.
If a cocker spaniel seems to be growing at a reasonably slow rate for any length of time, it is best to consult their veterinarian. Problems could come from feeding them the incorrect amount of dog food, or dog food of an inferior quality that doesn’t give them the strength they need to tackle a busy day.
Sleep and excess stress can also cause a slower growth rate for the cocker spaniel. Providing a safe and comfortable place to sleep and rest is essential for a healthy dog.
Helping them take frequent rest breaks and minimizing the stress they are exposed to will work wonders to ensure they reach their full growth potential.
Love and affection are also crucial for helping a cocker spaniel reach their full growth. If a cocker spaniel doesn’t know and feels that they are loved and cared for, it can affect their emotional well-being.
If they don’t receive love and affection regularly, which can mean a lot for a cocker spaniel, they may feel depressed or sad. This emotional state can affect how much they eat or play and exercise. A well-rounded dog is a happy and healthy dog.
If they grow slower or faster, could it be a sign of a health problem?
Yes, but this isn’t always the case, as noted above. Most often, when a cocker spaniel grows too slow or fast, it is causally related to the cocker spaniel diet, which is easily fixable with a veterinarian consultation.
Any unusual lack of or increase of growth must be noted with their veterinarian to ensure they are healthy.
If found that the cocker spaniel pup is healthy but not thriving, their veterinarian may recommend changing their diet or increasing food to make sure they are getting enough calories in a day.
They may also investigate other environmental issues that could be causing weight irregularities. These environmental issues can be stress in the home with kids or other animals and other often overlooked aspects.
In Conclusion
While we all grow at our rate, the cocker spaniel follows the same pattern as most other dog breeds. Physical development comes first, followed by emotional and mental development.
Each dog will be unique as they pass through each stage of development, some slightly slower or faster and some right on the mark.
Full growth and potential are not measured by hitting milestones in a set period. If a dog is growing, playful, eating, and sleeping well, they are healthy. That is the measure of a healthy, happy dog!