Can Pointers Eat Eggs?

Eggs are known as an excellent source of nutrients, but is it safe for pointers to eat them as we do? We try so many different food combinations for our pointers because we want them to be healthy and receiving all the vitamins and minerals they need!

Pointers can eat eggs if fully cooked and have no additives, butter, salt, or oil. Raw eggs have the potential to spread salmonella. Pointers should eat no more than one egg a day as the general recommendation.

Food is a pointer’s fuel for the day and the foundation of health for the rest of their lives. What we give them needs to be safe and beneficial or else it’s not doing them any good. It’s a popular thing to give pointers eggs as treats and rewards, but it’s important to know all the facts and risk factors before making it a common occurrence.

Giving Pointers Eggs

Eggs are a popular food to feed dogs because of their high protein, amino acid, and fatty acid content. This is good news for owners of the athletic and energetic pointer.

Pointers and other dogs, in general, can eat eggs; but, it’s highly recommended that they are cooked fully beforehand to eliminate any harmful pathogens.

There is always a risk that your pointer will be allergic to any food you give them, so make sure to check with your veterinarian before feeding your pointer any new foods.

You also want to monitor them to make sure no reactions occur, just in case.

Pointers are suckers for any food that’s given to them as a treat. They are a breed that spends a lot of time in training, and they respond the best to food rewards. Eggs can be a great treat during these times because they are delicious as well as nutritional!

A good rule of thumb for treats is that they should never account for more than 10% of your pointer’s entire diet. This goes for eggs as well. This is, again, something you should discuss with your veterinarian to make sure your pointer is getting everything it needs.

Remember that dogs react very differently to foods than humans do. Their bodies process things differently and can handle some things better than others.

It’s important to remember that most high-quality dog foods made with natural ingredients are enough to fulfill all the nutritional needs of your pointer. If you are concerned about this, contact your veterinarian and they will be able to give you advice and recommend supplements.

Eggs should mainly be used as a reward or treat. You should not feed your pointer more than one egg a day.

Your veterinarian will also be able to give you advice on the amount that’s best for your pointer. Making sure you get professional help and advice when it comes to your pointer will go a long way in keeping them strong, happy, and healthy.

Raw Eggs for Pointers

There is some debate in the dog community on whether or not it’s a good idea to feed your dog raw food including eggs. The general argument is that dogs used to eat raw food constantly. A lot of these canines were natural hunters and would catch food and eat it with no fear of disease.

The times have changed, and there are more additives in the things we eat. It is the safest to cook everything given to dogs. It’s always best practice to consult a veterinarian on what’s best for your pointer!

The American Veterinary Medical Association had this to say on the subject of feeding dogs and cats “animal-source proteins” as they called them:

“Cats and dogs may develop foodborne illness after being fed animal-source protein contaminated with [Salmonella, Campylobacter, Clostridium, E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes, or enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus] if adequate steps are not taken to eliminate pathogens.”

American Veterinary Medical Association

Included in their list of foods that constituted risky raw animal-sourced proteins are beef, poultry, fish, other meat from domesticated or wild animals, milk, and eggs.

Pointer dog retrieving bird


As regular consumers of eggs, we know the potential of contracting salmonella from eating it raw or not cooking it fully. The same goes for pointers.

There is always a chance that the dangerous bacteria can be given to your pointer when they eat uncooked eggs.

Dogs do have a bit more tolerance for harmful bacteria than we do, but it’s safest just to avoid the risk at all costs. The best and most efficient way to eliminate this pathogen is to cook the eggs fully. Usually, this is achieved when the internal temperature reaches anywhere from 149-158 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cooked Eggs for Pointers

Cooking eggs fully is the safest method of feeding your pointer them. They can be prepared any way you would prepare them for yourself:

  • boiled
  • scrambled
  • fried
  • poached

The only stipulation is that you should avoid using additives when cooking the eggs. Things to avoid include:

  • salt
  • butter
  • oil
  • other seasonings and spices

Eggs for your pointer should be cooked without anything else. Your dog won’t be upset if the egg is plain; they’ll be excited to be getting anything. Additives can be very harmful to your pointer and shouldn’t be added or given to them in any food.

Many people suggest searching out organic, free-range chicken eggs if you’re going to be giving them to your pointer regularly. These eggs are supposed to have fewer additives.

Cooked eggs can be given as a treat or reward in training. It’s best practice not to attempt to supplement parts of your pointer’s diet with eggs. Discuss this with your veterinarian to be safe.


There are some benefits associated with cooked eggs. They are high in protein and contain some beneficial vitamins. Cooked eggs also can help to settle a dog’s upset stomach on occasion.

One of the best parts about using cooked eggs as a treat is that they are very cheap to buy! The organic, free-range eggs are a little more expensive, but they are rarely at the level of other commercial dog treats.


There are a few potential risks when it comes to pointers eating cooked eggs.

Dogs can be allergic to eggs, but it’s not common. The safest thing to do is to consult your veterinarian before feeding your pointer eggs. Vets can test them and give you warnings and recommendations when it comes to your individual pointer consuming eggs.

Some people also worry about possible biotin deficiencies in dogs because of the presence of avidin in egg whites; however, egg yolks contain a lot of biotin, and a deficiency is really only a worry if you consistently feed your dog only the egg whites over a significant period of time.

Another worry that dog owners have is that their pup will develop high cholesterol from the consumption of too many eggs. Purina’s Senior Nutritionist, Jan Dempsey, had this to say about dogs, eggs, and cholesterol.

Cholesterol doesn’t have the same effect in dogs as it is does in humans, and dogs don’t get to the same cholesterol-related diseases as  humans.

Don’t worry about having to separate the yolks from your dog’s eggs to make sure they don’t develop high cholesterol. Allowing your pointer to have eggs in strict moderation following the “treat rule” I mentioned above will be enough to keep them in the clear.

Of course, issues can always arise, and you should check with your veterinarian before making any changes in your dog’s diet.

Another risk that is a tad contrary to the benefits section of this post is that eggs can occasionally cause upset stomachs in dogs. It will change from dog to dog and is something you’ll just have to watch out for. If it is upsetting your dog’s stomach, stop feeding them eggs immediately and consult your veterinarian.

This isn’t a risk as much as a downside, but some people believe that cooking eggs get rid of some of the most nutritionally beneficial parts. This is only an issue if you’re hoping that the eggs will be a good supplement for parts of your pointer’s diet.

Eggshell Consumption

Many wonder whether they should feed their pointer eggshells or not when giving their pup a boiled egg. Eggshells are filled with calcium and phosphorous, and are sometimes given to dogs whole or ground up and sprinkled over their food.

The dangers associated with this practice is a choking hazard or potential damage caused by big pieces being swallowed. Many like to give their pointers eggshells because they are so high in calcium and phosphorous, but experts agree that there are better ways to supplement your pointer’s diet than to give them eggshells.

Ask your veterinarian if you are worried that your pointer is deficient in some important nutrient. They will be able to test them and make an educated decision on the best course of action for your individual pointer.